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Author list
Version v0.5
Download UnsharpHQ_v05.zip
Category Sharpeners
License GPLv3
Discussion Doom9 Thread



This is a very strong and fast unsharp mask with some new features.


  • AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
  • Progressive input only
  • Supported color formats: YV12

Syntax and Parameters

UnsharpHQ (clip, int "THRESHOLD", float "SHARPSTR", float "SMOOTH", bool "SHOW")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  THRESHOLD = 20
The value that determines whether or not to sharpen a pixel based on the luminance change between their neighbors.
Lower values allow more to be sharpened (including noise); higher values allow less but is set to high, small detail will not be sharpened.
Range: 0 to 99

float  SHARPSTR = 4.0
Sharpening strength; values from 2.0 to 10.0 are recommended.
Range: 0.0 up to 99.0

float  SMOOTH = 0.5
The smoothing strength for pixels not being sharpened (mainly flat areas). Set to 0.0 to disable smoothing.
Range: 0.0 to 4.0

bool  SHOW = false
When set to true a green and black mask is shown; useful for finding an optimal value* for THRESHOLD.
Anything in green gets sharpened, anything in black is not sharpened but can be smoothed if SMOOTH is greater than 0.

*optimal value - noise vs detail trade-off. The goal is to try to sharpen as much detail as possible while not sharpening noise.


UnsharpHQ with default settings:

UnsharpHQ(THRESHOLD=20, SHARPSTR=4.0, SMOOTH=0.5, SHOW=false)


Version      Date            Changes
v0.5 2014/01/19 - Released source code under GPLv3 - Added parameters THRESHOLD, SMOOTH, and SHOW - Renamed parameter STR to SHARPSTR
v0.4 2011/02/26 - Optimized and more accurate v0.3
v0.3 2011/02/21 - Initial public release

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