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Revision as of 22:27, 5 January 2018 by Raffriff42 (Talk | contribs)

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This feature is specific to AviSynthPlus.

It is not supported in other AviSynth versions.


Syntax and Parameters

Expr( [clip clip[, ...], string exp[, ...], string format,
      bool optAvx2, bool optSingleMode, bool optSSE2] )

clip   =
One or more source clips.
/// TODO Accepts which COLOR FORMATS
string   =
One or more RPN expressions
/// TODO: explain
string  format = ?
Optional named format argument
/// TODO: explain
bool   optAvx2 = (auto)
If false, disable AVX2.
/// TODO: explain
bool   optSingleMode = false
If true, generate assembly code using only one XMM/YMM register set instead of two; default false.
/// TODO: explain
bool   optSSE2 = (auto)
If false, disable SSE2.
/// TODO: explain


r2574 (20171219) new: Indexable source clip pixels by relative x,y positions like x[-1,1]

new functions: sin cos tan asin acos atan
new operator: % (modulo)
new: Variables: uppercase letters A..Z for storing and reuse temporary results, frequently used computations.
new: predefined expr variables 'frameno', 'time', 'width', 'height'
fix: jitasm code generation at specific circumstances

r2544 (20171115) optimization; fix scalef
r2542 (20171114) first added
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