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Author mysteryx93
Version v1.6.5
Download AviSynthShader-1.6.5.zip
Category Multipurpose
Discussion Doom9 Forum



This plugin allows running HLSL pixel shaders within AviSynth. This gives access to various HLSL filters that haven't been programmed in AviSynth.


Syntax and Parameters


Converts a clip into a wider frame containing UINT16 or half-float data. Clips must be converted in such a way before running any shader.

16-bit-per-channel half-float data isn't natively supported by AviSynth. It is stored in a RGB32 container with a Width that is twice larger. When using Clip.Width, you must divine by 2 to get the accurate width.

ConvertToShader (clip, int "Precision", bool "lsb", bool "planar", int "opt")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  Precision = 1
  • 0 to convert to Y8
  • 1 to convert into BYTE (default)
  • 2 to convert into UINT16
  • 3 to convert into half-float

bool  lsb = false
Whether to convert from DitherTools' Stack16 format. Only YV12 and YV24 are supported. Default=false

bool  planar = false
True to convert into YV24 planar data to reduce memory transfers. If you assign such a clip to Clip1, the shader will receive the 3 planes as Clip1, Clip2 and Clip3. Default=false

int  opt = -1
Optimization path:
  • In AviSynth 2.6, 0 for only C++, 1 for SSE2, 2 for AVX(only used with Precision=3), -1 to auto-detect.
  • In AviSynth+, -1 to use the AviSynth+ code path, other values to use legacy code paths.
  • Default=-1


Convert a half-float clip into a standard clip.

ConvertFromShader (clip, int "Precision", string "Format", bool "lsb", int "opt")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  Precision = 1
  • 0 to convert to Y8
  • 1 to convert into BYTE (default)
  • 2 to convert into UINT16
  • 3 to convert into half-float

string  Format = "YV12"
The video format to convert to. Valid formats are YV12, YV24 and RGB32. Default=YV12.

bool  lsb = false
Whether to convert to DitherTools' Stack16 format. Only YV12 and YV24 are supported. Default=false

int  opt = -1
Optimization path:
  • In AviSynth 2.6, 0 for only C++, 1 for SSE2, 2 for AVX(only used with Precision=3), -1 to auto-detect.
  • In AviSynth+, -1 to use the AviSynth+ code path, other values to use legacy code paths.
  • Default=-1




Version      Date            Changes
v1.6.5 2018/05/13 - Fixed crash on NVidia cards when PlanarOut=true

External Links

  • GitHub - Source code repository.

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