File list

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File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:07, 29 August 2016Layer-example-sub.png (file)35 KBRaffriff42 (Layer example.)1
12:05, 29 August 2016Layer-example-add.png (file)34 KBRaffriff42 (Layer example.)1
12:03, 29 August 2016Layer-over-grad.png (file)3 KBRaffriff42 (Graduated ramp image for Layer examples etc.)1
12:01, 29 August 2016Layer-base-Lena.png (file)39 KBRaffriff42 (File:Lenna.png resized with border, for Layer examples etc.)1
22:51, 22 August 2016Layer-lena-mul-color-grad-yuy2-4.jpg (file)117 KBRaffriff42 (File:Lenna.png with Layer(op="mul"))1
13:34, 21 August 2016Layer-Lena-grad-6.jpg (file)149 KBRaffriff42 (File:Lenna.png with Layer effect; 2 sources + 4 effects)1
17:05, 20 August 2016Avisynth-version-template-2.61.png (file)29 KBRaffriff42 (Version with template clip, 600x336)1
11:10, 19 August 2016Avisynth-version-overlay-2.61.png (file)36 KBRaffriff42 (Version() as overlay on another clip for frame rate, image size, and so on.)1
01:37, 17 August 2016Avisynth-version-2.6.png (file)26 KBRaffriff42 (version 2.61)2
14:52, 22 July 2016Sintel frm6291 Resize shift.jpg (file)77 KBRaffriff42 (apply shift)3
16:29, 12 June 2016Sintel frm6291 aspect 3 warp.jpg (file)210 KBRaffriff42 (WarpedResize Example illustration)1
16:28, 12 June 2016Sintel frm6291 aspect 2 crop.jpg (file)189 KBRaffriff42 (WarpedResize Example illustration)1
16:25, 12 June 2016Sintel frm6291 aspect 1 letterbox.jpg (file)177 KBRaffriff42 (WarpedResize Example illustration)1
03:29, 6 May 2016ColorCube-Stack16.png (file)312 KBRaffriff42 (Stack16 demo image. Source: VirtualDub, LSMASHSource.)1
02:24, 25 March 2016SwapEx-Sintel9150.jpg (file)68 KBRaffriff42 (simplify more)3
04:40, 16 March 2016ColorBars-compare3B.png (file)2 KBRaffriff42 (cleaner)2
07:25, 12 March 2016AudioLength-24hr.png (file)80 KBRaffriff42 (Clip_properties illustration.)1
07:24, 12 March 2016AudioLength-10s.png (file)76 KBRaffriff42 (Clip_properties illustration.)1
20:51, 6 March 2016Histogram classic-v2-turned.jpg (file)75 KBRaffriff42 (show excursion beyond 16-235)2
20:50, 6 March 2016Histogram classic.jpg (file)68 KBRaffriff42 (show excursion beyond 16-235)3
19:19, 6 March 2016Labeled-vector-color2.png (file)10 KBRaffriff42 (Histogram("color2") with labels and 75% ColorBars)1
18:17, 6 March 2016Labeled-vector6b.png (file)6 KBRaffriff42 (simplified; color mode replacing clor2)3
17:06, 6 March 2016Histogram-vortex-levels-v3-levels0,5.jpg (file)65 KBRaffriff42 (Histogram("levels", 0.5) illustration. Source: [ Wikipedia:Airplane_vortex_edit.jpg])1
17:04, 6 March 2016Histogram-vortex-levels.jpg (file)68 KBRaffriff42 (sharper; remove labels)3
16:52, 6 March 2016Histogram-vortex-color2.jpg (file)74 KBRaffriff42 (sharper)2
16:51, 6 March 2016Histogram-vortex-color.jpg (file)63 KBRaffriff42 (sharper)2
06:04, 4 March 2016Compare-Sintel-9507.png (file)247 KBRaffriff42 (corrected an error in the previous script)2
14:21, 23 February 2016NormalizeEx3 v0,5.png (file)20 KBRaffriff42 (Normalize(0.5, show=true))1
14:20, 23 February 2016NormalizeEx2 v1,0.png (file)20 KBRaffriff42 (Normalize(1.0, show=true))1
14:19, 23 February 2016NormalizeEx1-init.png (file)12 KBRaffriff42 (Normalize(show=true), initial condition)1
01:37, 29 January 2016Tweak original2 plus hist.jpg (file)51 KBRaffriff42 1
03:35, 27 January 2016ColorYUV analyze Ex1.jpg (file)36 KBRaffriff42 (ColorYUV Example illustration)1
03:00, 27 January 2016RGBAdjust Ex1.jpg (file)38 KBRaffriff42 (RGBAdjust Example illustration)1
17:25, 23 January 2016Limit Ex07a.png (file)336 KBRaffriff42 (rearranged elements)2
04:59, 23 January 2016Limit Ex05.jpg (file)76 KBRaffriff42 (highlight out-of-range values )2
04:59, 23 January 2016Limit Ex03.jpg (file)78 KBRaffriff42 (highlight out-of-range values )2
04:58, 23 January 2016Limit Ex02.jpg (file)75 KBRaffriff42 (highlight out-of-range values)2
04:16, 23 January 2016Limit Ex06.jpg (file)65 KBRaffriff42 (Limiter Example 6 illustration Source '''''Sintel, the Durian Open Movie Project''''' See File:Sintel-fr4592-544x272.jpg for licensing information.)1
04:15, 23 January 2016Limit Ex04.jpg (file)70 KBRaffriff42 (Limiter Example 4 illustration Source '''''Sintel, the Durian Open Movie Project''''' See File:Sintel-fr4592-544x272.jpg for licensing information.)1
04:01, 23 January 2016Limit Ex01.jpg (file)68 KBRaffriff42 (Limiter Example 1 illustration Source '''''Sintel, the Durian Open Movie Project''''' See File:Sintel-fr4592-544x272.jpg for licensing information.)1
02:45, 17 January 2016FixLuminance2.png (file)1 KBRaffriff42 (FixLuminance example 2)1
02:44, 17 January 2016FixLuminance1.png (file)2 KBRaffriff42 (FixLuminance example 1)1
07:32, 13 January 2016ToneEq3.png (file)651 BRaffriff42 (math: 10^(dB/20))1
06:46, 13 January 2016ToneEq2.png (file)2 KBRaffriff42 (<math>g(n,s) = 0.4 * sin(2*pi*(2*n/24 + s*2/48000))</math>)1
06:45, 13 January 2016ToneEq1.png (file)2 KBRaffriff42 (<math>g(n,s) = level * sin(2*pi*(frequency*n/framerate + s*frequency/samplerate))</math>)1
05:34, 13 January 2016MessageClip4-240px.png (file)2 KBRaffriff42 (MessageClip(VersionString, width=240))1
05:20, 13 January 2016MessageClip3-red-hgt80.png (file)9 KBRaffriff42 (MessageClip(VersionString, bg_color=$ff0000, height=80))1
05:17, 13 January 2016MessageClip3-red.png (file)8 KBRaffriff42 (MessageClip(VersionString, bg_color=$ff0000))1
05:16, 13 January 2016MessageClip2-black.png (file)5 KBRaffriff42 (MessageClip(VersionString))1
04:53, 10 January 2016SegmentedAviSource-img1.png (file)5 KBRaffriff42 ("cap00.avi" to "cap.00.avi")2

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