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Author Unknown author
Version 2005/04/15
Category Analog Restoration
License Closed source



KillPulse is a pulse noise reduction plug-in for AviSynth. Similar to DePulse.


Syntax and Parameters

KillPulse (clip, int "times", int "motion", int "complex", int "complex2", int "mode")

clip   =
Input clip must be YUY2.

int  times = 2
The number of times the filter is applied. The greater the number of times, the heavier it becomes.
Range: 1-5 (default 2)

int  motion = 10
Either motion judgment = "difference in brightness from previous frame" or "difference in brightness from subsequent frame"
If it is less than this number, do not apply the filter to that dot. Prevents collapse of telops and reduces wasteful processing.
Range: 0-255 (default 10)

int  complex = 20
The degree of filter application to complex parts. Prevents small patterns such as human face parts from being damaged.
The smaller the number, the more difficult it is to get noise, but it prevents the picture from falling apart.
Range: 0-255 (default 20)

int  complex2 =
Ancillary parameter of complex.
The smaller the number, the more difficult it is to get noise, but it prevents the picture from falling apart.
Range: 0-255 (default 20)

int  mode = 0
You can select from 5 types of filter modes, default is 0.
  • 0 : Basic mode. This is a filter mode that removes only pulse noise. Automatically supports interlace & progress.
  • 1 : Forcibly apply the median filter as progressive. Motion judgment is performed.
  • 2 : Forcibly apply median filter as interlace. Motion judgment is performed.
  • 3 : Forcibly apply the median filter as progressive. No motion judgment is made.
  • 4 : Forcibly apply median filter as interlace. No motion judgment is made.
Picture breaks occur in modes other than 0. Please use it together with a function that applies a filter to a part of the image


KillPulse with default settings:

DePulse (times=2, motion=10, complex=20, complex2=20, mode=0)

Archived Downloads

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External Links

Avisynthを絶讃ιょぅょ Part19 - KillPulse plugin originally released here (post #791 and #830).

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