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Author StainlessS
Version v0.9
Category Adjustment Filters
License GPLv2
Discussion Doom9 Thread



ShowChannels is a simple plugin whose only function is to display the average Y,U and V values for a YUV frame or R,G, and B for an RGB frame.
Also shows accumulated average for all frames visited so far.

Typical output for a YUV clip:-

347 ] Frames Visited = 348

          This Frame           Accumulated
       Y     U      V        Y     U      V
 Ave  77.00 125.52 125.42   70.91 125.87 125.78
 Min   4     80     95       0     69     83
 Max 255    177    165     255    190    174
~Min  14     95    101      12     92    101
~Max 234    167    148     235    167    151


 'AVE' shows average for current frame and accumulated average for all visited frames.

 'MIN' shows minimum value for a channel, this frame and accumulated.

 'MAX' shows maximum value for a channel, this frame and accumulated.

 '~MIN' shows loose minimum value for a channel, this frame and accumulated.

 '~MAX' shows loose maximum value for a channel, this frame and accumulated.

Loose minimum uses the filter arg float MinPerc, a percentage of total pixels to ignore
when finding the loose minimum, allows to ignore extreme stray pixels (noise).

Loose maximum uses the filter arg float MaxPerc, a percentage of total pixels to ignore
when finding the loose maximum, allows to ignore extreme stray pixels (noise).

The "loose" values are made to filter out very bright
or very dark noise creating an artificially low or high minimum / maximum.

The Accumulated Ave is a "Average of Averages", or "Average Mean" or "Mean Average", take your pick but accumulated seemed more appropriate
considering that it was not restricted to describing just the averages. Accumulated Min is the minimum of all minimums so far, etc.


*** vcredist_x86.exe is required for RgbAmplifier-x86
*** vcredist_x64.exe is required for RgbAmplifier-x64

Syntax and Parameters

ShowChannels(clip c,float "MinPerc"=0.1, float "MaxPerc"=0.1, bool "ver"=false,bool "Setvar"=false,String "Prefix"="SC_", \
         bool "Show"=true,String ="AccFile"="",int "x"=0,int "y"=0,int "w"=0,int "h"=0,bool "Interlaced"=false)

    c is the clip

    MinPerc is percentage of pixels to ignore for loose minimum. (default 0.1%, ie 1/1000 of total pixels)
    ColorYUV (Analyze=true) Loose Minimum ignores 1/256 of the darkest pixels, and ShowChannels 0.1% or 1/1000 by default,
    so a Minperc of 0.4% would be about the same as ColorYUV uses.

    MaxPerc is percentage of pixels to ignore for loose maximum. (default 0.1%, ie 1/1000 of total pixels)
    ColorYUV (Analyze=true) Loose Maximum ignores 1/256 of the lightest pixels, and ShowChannels 0.1% or 1/1000 by default,
    so a Maxperc of 0.4% would be about the same as ColorYUV uses.

    ver display version info, false OFF [default] , true ON

    Setvar if true then sets Global Variables using Prefix string.

    Prefix (default "SC_"), prefix to Global variable names when using SetVar.

    Show, false switches off normal text display, you may want to set false if using SetVar.

    AccFile, default "", name of text file to output final Accumulated values for entire file.

    x,y,w,h, sets coordinates, all default to 0 as for crop, ie full image. NOT colorspace limited, eg can use odd values
      even for YV12 and YUY2.

    Interlaced (default false). Planar formats only, alters interpretation for the chroma, false=Progressive, true=interlaced.

    Default Global variable names when SetVar=true and using Default Prefix = "SC_"

      "SC_Visited"    = Frames visited
      Channel 0 (Y or R)
      Channel 1 (U or G, NOT Y8)
      Channel 2 (V or B, NOT Y8)
      For Y8, channels 1 and 2 will all be set to -1
Typical Global Variable settings for RGB something like:-

    SC_Ave_0=124.55    SC_Ave_1=126.06    SC_Ave_2=199.77
    SC_Min_0=0         SC_Min_1=0         SC_Min_2=0
    SC_Max_0=255       SC_Max_1=255       SC_Max_2=255
    SC_LMn_0=0         SC_LMn_1=0         SC_LMn_2=0
    SC_LMx_0=255       SC_LMx_1=255       SC_LMx_2=255
    SC_AAve_0=129.24   SC_AAve_1=132.12   SC_AAve_2=126.68
    SC_AMin_0=0        SC_AMin_1=0        SC_AMin_2=0
    SC_AMax_0=255      SC_AMax_1=255      SC_AMax_2=255
    SC_ALMn_0=0        SC_ALMn_1=0        SC_ALMn_2=0
    SC_ALMx_0=255      SC_ALMx_1=255      SC_ALMx_2=255
Contents of AccFile for a small sample clip showing typical output using defaults:

SC_AAve_0=98.971779  SC_AMin_0=0  SC_AMax_0=255 SC_ALMn_0=14  SC_ALMx_0=241 
SC_AAve_1=122.572746 SC_AMin_1=66 SC_AMax_1=200 SC_ALMn_1=99  SC_ALMx_1=160 
SC_AAve_2=137.286911 SC_AMin_2=72 SC_AMax_2=209 SC_ALMn_2=108 SC_ALMx_2=175 


Lastly, you may find it better to crop off any borders when ascertaining frame/accumulated values, or set coordinates to suit.




  v0.0, 1st public release.
  v0.1, 16 Jan  2012, better formatting, added MinPerc/MaxPerc args.
  v0.2, 15 Sept 2012, Fixed RGB offset bug.
  v0.3beta, 7 Oct 2012, Added Setvar stuff
  v0.4, 15 Oct 2012, Added AccFile
  v0.5, 31 Oct 2012, Added x,y,w,h coords not colorspace restricted (real pain in the bum to implement).
  v0.6, 05 Dec 2012, Added 'Interlaced' arg for Planar.
  v0.7, 20 Apr 2013, Added Compile for v2.6 stuff.
  v0.8, 30 Mar 2015, v2.6 dll compile with Avisynth Version 6 Header.
  v0.9, 15 Jan 2019, Moved to VS2008, Added version resource + x64.

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v0.9 ShowChannels_25&

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