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Author Prunedtree
Version r2
Download debicubic
Category Resize
License Closed source



This filter is designed to reverse the effects of bicubic upsampling. Parameters and sampling pattern try to mimic Avisynth's BicubicResize.

Note: Descale is recommended as a modern replacement for Debicubic.



  • Sampling at 1:1 resolution is known to be unstable.
  • This filter is not made for upsampling.

Syntax and Parameters

debicubic (clip, int target_width, int target_height, float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height", bool "lsb_inout", float "b", float "c")
debicubicY (clip, int target_width, int target_height, float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height", bool "lsb_inout", float "b", float "c")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  target_width =
int  target_height =
presumed 'native' resolution.

float  src_left = 0
float  src_top = 0
float  src_width =
float  src_height =
Optional crop rectangle in the input frame.

bool  lsb_inout = false
16-bit input and output; uses DitherTools' Stack16 format.

float  b =
float  c =
The parameters b and c can be used to adjust the properties of the cubic,
they are sometimes referred to as "blurring" and "ringing" respectively.

  • debicubicY ignores chroma planes.


Version      Date            Changes
r2 08/31/2013 - r2 r1  ??/??/???? - initial release

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r2 debicubic

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