From Avisynth wiki
Abstract | |
Author | Template:Author/Didee |
Version | v1.0 - Update 2012/04/12 |
Download | Sharpeners |
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A quick sharpening filter by Didee for sharpening high quality content, such as Bluray.
The script
Located here.
And mirrored below in case of disaster (not guarranteed to be up to date, retrieved July 16th, 2012).
# Small and relatively fast realtime-sharpening function, # for 1080p, or after scaling 720p -> 1080p during playback (to make 720p look more like being 1080p) # It's a generic sharpener. Only for good quality sources! # (If the source is crap, FineSharp will happily sharpen the crap.) ;) # Noise/grain will be enhanced, too. The method is GENERIC. # # Modus operandi: A basic nonlinear sharpening method is performed, then the *blurred* sharp-difference gets subtracted again. # # - Didée function FineSharp(clip c, int "mode", float "sstr", float "cstr", float "xstr", float "lstr", float "pstr", float "ldmp") { mode = default(mode, 1 ) # 1 to 3, weakest to strongest. When negative -1 to -3, a broader kernel for equalisation is used. sstr = default(sstr, 2.0 ) # strength of sharpening, 0.0 up to ?? _cstr = spline(sstr, 0,0, 0.5,0.1, 1.0,0.6, 2.0,0.9, 2.5,1.00, 3.0,1.09, 3.5,1.15, 4.0,1.19, 8.0,1.249, 255.0,1.5) _cstr = (mode>0) ? _cstr : pow(_cstr,1./1.25) cstr = default(cstr, _cstr) # strength of equalisation, 0.0 to ? 2.0 ? (recomm. 0.5 to 1.25, default AUTO) xstr = default(xstr, 0.19 ) # strength of XSharpen-style final sharpening, 0.0 to 1.0 (but, better don't go beyond 0.249 ...) # Viscera parameters lstr = default(lstr, 1.49 ) # modifier for non-linear sharpening pstr = default(pstr, 1.272) # exponent for non-linear sharpening ldmp = default(ldmp, sstr+0.1) # "low damp", to not overenhance very small differences (noise coming out of flat areas) str1 = sstr str2 = cstr SSTR = string(sstr) CSTR = string(cstr) LSTR = string(lstr) PSTR = string(pstr) LDMP = string(ldmp) rg=mode>0?11:20 b = (abs(mode)==1) ? c.removegrain(11,-1).removegrain(4,-1) \ : (abs(mode)==2) ? c.removegrain(4,-1).removegrain(11,-1) \ : (abs(mode)==3) ? c.removegrain(4,-1).removegrain(11,-1).removegrain(4,-1) : c shrpD = mt_lutxy(c,b,"x y - abs "+LSTR+" / 1 "+PSTR+" / ^ "+SSTR+" * x y - x y - abs 0.001 + / * x y - 2 ^ x y - 2 ^ "+LDMP+" + / * 128 +") shrp = (str1<0.01) ? c : c.mt_adddiff(shrpD,U=2,V=2) shrp = (str2<0.01) ? shrp : shrp.mt_makediff(shrpD.mt_lut("x 128 - "+CSTR+" * 128 +").removegrain(rg,-1),U=2,V=2) shrp = (xstr<0.01) ? shrp \ : mt_lutxy(shrp,shrp.removegrain(20,-1),"x x y - 9.9 * +",U=2,V=2).repair(shrp,12,0).mergeluma(shrp,1.0-xstr) return(shrp) }