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Author Didée
Version 2012/04/12
Download FineSharp.avsi
Category Sharpeners
Discussion Doom9 Thread



Small and relatively fast realtime-sharpening function, for 1080p, or after scaling 720p -> 1080p during playback (to make 720p look more like being 1080p).
It's a generic sharpener. Only for good quality sources! (If the source is crap, FineSharp will happily sharpen the crap.) ;) Noise/grain will be enhanced, too. The method is GENERIC.

Modus operandi: A basic nonlinear sharpening method is performed, then the *blurred* sharp-difference gets subtracted again.


  • AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
  • Progressive input only
  • Supported color formats: YV12

Required Plugins

Syntax and Parameters

FineSharp (clip c, int "mode", float "sstr", float "cstr", float "xstr", float "lstr", float "pstr", float "ldmp")

clip  c =
Input clip.

int  mode = 1
Range: 1 to 3
1 to 3, weakest to strongest. When negative -1 to -3, a broader kernel for equalization is used.

float  sstr = 2.0
Range: 0.0 up to ??
Strength of sharpening.

float  cstr = AUTO
Range: 0.0 - 2.0 ?
Strength of equalization.
Recommended value: 0.5 to 1.25
If all settings are left at their default value then cstr=0.9

float  xstr = 0.19
Range: 0.0 - 1.0 (but, better don't go beyond 0.249 ...)
Strength of XSharpen-style final sharpening.

float  lstr = 1.49
Modifier for non-linear sharpening.

float  pstr = 1.272
Exponent for non-linear sharpening.

float  ldmp = sstr+0.1
"low damp", to not overenhance very small differences (noise coming out of flat areas).
If sstr is left at its default value (2.0) then ldmp=2.1


FineSharp with default settings:

FineSharp(mode=1, sstr=2.0, cstr=0.9, xstr=0.19, lstr=1.49, pstr=1.272, ldmp=2.1)


Version         Date            Changes
2012/04/12 2012/04/12 - Added "ldmp" parameter, and slightly modified the (auto) cstr defaults
2012/04/08 2012/04/08 - Initial release

External Links

  • Doom9 Forum - FineSharp discussion.
  • Doom9 Forum - FineSharp AviSynth script ported to MPC-HC Shaders + madVR.

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