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Author canuckerfan
Version 1.04
Download EdgeCleaner script
Category Deringing & Mosquito Noise
Discussion Doom9 Thread



A simple edge cleaning and weak dehaloing function.


  • AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
  • Progressive input only
  • Supported color formats: YV12

Required Plugins

Latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise.

Syntax and Parameters

EdgeCleaner (clip c, int "strength", bool "rep", int "rmode", int "smode", bool "hot")

clip  c =
Input clip.

int  strength = 10
specifies edge denoising strength.

bool  rep = true
Activates Repair for the aWarpSharped clip (true; requires Repair)

int  rmode = 17
Specifies the Repair mode:
  • Mode 1 is very mild and good for halos.
  • Mode 16 and 18 are good to preserve edge structure on strong settings but keep more halos and edge noise,
  • Mode 17 is similar to 16 but keeps much less haloing, other modes are not recommended (17; requires Repair).

int  smode = 0
Specifies what method will be used for finding small particles, ie stars:

bool  hot = false
Specifies whether removal of hot pixels should take place.


EdgeCleaner with default settings:

EdgeCleaner(strength=10, rep=true, rmode=17 smode=0, hot=false)


 03/04/2012  v1.04
     - adapted the code to work with SEt's updated aWarpSharp2
     - removed the redundant fix parameter
     - increased default strength to 10
06/08/2008 v1.03 - improved mask that leaves less warping and more original line structure, therefore higher strengths are now safe to use - improved StarMask() - removed super mode - removed srep, sshiqloc, some smodes and VD_SmartSmoothHiQ() due to StarMask() changes
01/06/2008 v1.02 - added srep parameter - improved particle masking
01/06/2008 v1.01 - added masking for particles with two parameters; smode and sshiqloc
12/05/2008 v1.00 - removed line darkening, mode 2 mask, RemoveGrain - assert changed to colorspace conversion to yv12 - fixed some logic problems - "fixed" the aWarpSharp black pixel bug - added Repair

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