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Author scharfis_brain
Download convert60ito24p.avs [1]
Category Frame Rate Converters
Discussion Doom9 Thread



This function converts 60fps video into 24fps avoiding jerky motion.

  • Note: this method is rather old (2003), better alternatives are available.


Syntax and Parameters

convert60ito24p (clip video, int mode, int offset)

clip  video =
Input clip.

int  mode =
Mode 0 does a simple 2 out of 5 selection, which results in jerky motion. Use this mode for comparing purposes.
Modes 1 to 3 are using blending of nearby Frames to avoid jerkyness and "simulate" motionblur. The higher the mode-number the more motionblur will be made and thus the motion gets smoother. Modes 2 and 3 are only recommended with a shutterspeed of 1/60sec. With shorter shutter speeds use Mode 1.
  • mode=0 : uses simple 24 out of 60 selection -> jerky motion.
     A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R  <- input sequence
       |     |   |     |   |     |   |    <- | = direct copy
       1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- resulting output sequence
  • mode=1 : introduces a blending of every other frame from its nearest neighbors. This mode delivers a non-jerky motion and should be used with shutter speeds below 1/60sec! ie. 1/120 or shorter.
     A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R  <- input sequence
       |   \ /   |   \ /   |   \ /   |    <- | = direct copy ; \ / = 50:50 blending
       1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- resulting output sequence
  • mode=2 : uses blending on every frame, ideal for shutter speed of 1/60 sec since it simulates very close the 24p (1/24sec) motion blur and thus giving a really smooth 24p - motion as a positive side-effect, this mode reduces noise and nearly completely eliminates remained line flickering of the deinterlacing!
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R   <- input sequence
      \|/  \ /  \|/  \ /  \|/  \ /  \|/   <- \|/ = 25:50:25 blending ; \ / = 50:50 blending
       1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- resulting output sequence
  • mode=3 : similar to mode 2 but with more motion blur.
  • Any other number given to mode just returns the original (60fps) input clip.

int  offset =
Apply an offset for selecting the 2 out of 5 frames - pattern.


AviSource("blah.avi") QTGMC() # or any other double frame rate deinterlacer convert60ito24p(2,0)

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