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Author Mug Funky, Didée
Version 3.0
Download salFPS3.avs
Category Frame Rate Converters
Discussion Doom9 Thread



A modded version of MotionProtectedFPS for extra protection. Originally created by Mug Funky, modded by Didée.


Required Plugins

Syntax and Parameters

salFPS3 (clip input, float FPS, int "mode", int "protection", int "protection2", int "iterate", int "reset", int "initialise")

clip  input =
Input clip to be converted.

float  FPS =
The FPS to be converted to, this value is not optional so it must be specified.

int  mode = warp
  • move : construct new frame by moving blocks
  • warpfast : construct new frame by stretching blocks
  • warp : construct new frame by stretching blocks; more accurate than warpfast

int  protection = 80
multiplier value for SumStretchFPSMask.

int  protection2 = 20
thY1 value for mt_edge; low threshold, if the pixel value is less than thY1, the pixel is set to 0.

int  interate = 2
iterate value for FindMotion.

int  reset = 50
reset value for FindMotion.
  • reset=0 : motion estimation always uses estimated motion vectors for the previous frame, which forces linear access.
  • reset=50 : motion vectors are calculated from scratch every 50 frames, allowing seeking. Lower values will allow faster seeking.

int  initialise = 6
initialise value for FindMotion; higher values increase the accuracy of vectors calculated from scratch, at the cost of increased calculation time.


Change frame rate to 23.976:

fps = 24000.0/1001.0 salFPS3(fps)

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