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Author minamina
Version v0.3.01
Category Audio filters
License GPLv2



An audio plugin with 2 functions: ViewAudio and CacheAudio. Based on Richard Ling's original AudioGraph.


  • AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
  • Supported color formats: YUY2, YV12

Syntax and Parameters


ViewAudio (clip, int "frames", int "top", int "height", bool "fill", int "channel")

clip   =
Input clip; must contain audio and video. Only 8-bit or 16-bit mono or stereo audio allowed. Use ConvertAudioTo16Bit() if needed.

int  frames = 2
Specifies the number of backward and forward frames. Maximum values is 10.

int  top = -1
Waveform position (Y coordinate):
  • -1 : waveform will be added to the bottom on the input clip.
  • 0 : waveform will be overlaid at the very top of the input clip.
Higher values specify the distance (in pixels) from the top of the input clip where the waveform will be overlaid.

int  height = 80
The height of the drawing; width will always be the same as the input clip.

bool  fill = true
Fill background; top must be greater than -1, otherwise this parameter is ignored.
  • true : input clip background is discarded and waveform will be filled with black background.
  • false : waveform is overlaid on top of the existing background of the input clip.

int  channel = -1
Whats channels to display:
  • -1 : both channels
  • 0 : left channel
  • 1 : right channel


CacheAudio (clip, int "MaxFrame", int "BlockFrame")

clip   =
Input clip; must contain audio and video. Only 8-bit or 16-bit mono or stereo audio allowed. Use ConvertAudioTo16Bit() if needed.

int  MaxFrame = 1000
Specify the maximum number of cached frames.
-1 caches all frames; requires large amount of memory and initialization may be slow.

int  BlockFrame = 100
Specifies the number of frames to be read at once.
-1 will use the same value as MaxFrame; also requires large amount of memory and initialization may be slow.


ViewAudio with default values:

AviSource("sample.wav") # make sure clip has audio and video
ViewAudio(frames=2, top=-1, height=80, fill=true, channel=-1)

CacheAudio with default values:

AviSource("sample.wav") # make sure clip has audio and video
CacheAudio(MaxFrame=1000, BlockFrame=100)


Version      Date            Changes
v0.3.01 2003/11/03 - add CacheAudio v0.2.02 2003/10/06 - fix maximum value for "frames", check was broken v0.2.01 2003/09/22 - initial release

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