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Loop(clip clip [, int times = -1] [, int start_frame = 0] [, int end_frame = inf])

Loops the segment from start_frame to end_frame a given number of times. Setting times to -1 loops a "very large" number of times.


Loop()           # play the clip (almost) endlessly.
Loop(-1)         # play the clip (almost) endlessly.

Loop(10)         # play the clip ten times.

Loop(-1, 20, 29) # play up to frame 19;
                 # frames 20-29 are repeated (almost) infinite times. 

Loop(2, 20, 29)  # play up to frame 19; 
                 # play frames 20-29 two times; 
                 # continue from frame 30 to end of clip. 

Loop(10, 20, 29) # play up to frame 19; 
                 # play frames 20-29 ten times; 
                 # continue from frame 30 to end of clip. 

Loop(0, 20, 29)  # play up to frame 19;
                 # delete frames 20-29 (play them zero times); 
                 # continue to end of clip. 

Loop(1, 20, 29)  # play all frames normally. 
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