YAHRmod source

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source: http://pastebin.com/raw/JVBtB6X5

# Y'et A'nother H'alo R'educing script
# YAHR A.SONY mod 1.35 , original YAHR was by Didée
# good deHalo for modern DVD and other cases

function YAHR2(clip clp, int "depth", int "blur", bool "awarp4")

depth         = Default(depth, 8)
awarp4        = Default(awarp4, false)

b1    = clp.minblur(2).removegrain(11,-1)
b1D   = mt_makediff(clp,b1)
w1    = awarp4 ? clp.aWarpSharp4xx(depth=depth,blur=blur,chroma=1,awarp4=true) : clp.aWarpSharp2(depth=depth,blur=blur,chroma=1)
w1b1  = w1.minblur(2,1).removegrain(11,-1)
w1b1D = mt_makediff(w1,w1b1)
DD    = b1D.repair(w1b1D,13) 
DD2   = mt_makediff(b1D,DD)
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