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#Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 #Generate HD colorbars, arib_std_b28 #by jmac698, jan/2010, for Midzuki #version 0.1. #Bugs/Limitations: #Width of bars may not be totally accurate, especially e.g. section1 where width divisor of 7 doesn't add up. #the color for plusI is not accurate, however -I is currently being used. #only evaluated for 1080p. Other sizes may not be of correct size of blocks, and #also incorrect total size (as it's pieced together from blocks/sections). #also framerate is 29.976, you can adjust this. There is also some sound. #to use: adjust GLOBAL definitions below for overall video parameters, then adjust choice #to one of 3 options specified by the standard. #also duration is fixed at about 3minutes #also it's very slow, could be done with blankclip in block(), but ramp() still needs recursive #Function summary #pair(int y1,int y2,int w, int h, int d) - creates a pair of lines in YV12, with luminence Y1 and Y2 #loopstack(clip vid,int index,int end, string dir, string hfunc, string vfunc) - create a loop of 'count' over the function specified. # The resulting videos are stacked. #StrReplace(string base, string sought, string rep) - utility to help parse strings. It replaces all occurences of a string. #...some other utilities #These values define full control over the video type generated global fps=30000 global fps_denom=1001 global sr=48000 global ch=2 #pair - this works perfectly. directly specify y1,y2,u,v (u=v=128 is grey) function pair(int y1,int y2, int u, int v, int w, int h, int d) { #creates a clip with a pair of lines colored y1,y2 and common color u,v with width w and height h #stack horizontally (d=0) or vertically (d=1). eg d=0, y1|y2. Each line is 1 pixel. Output is YV12. l1=blankclip(pixel_type="YV12",width=w,height=h,fps=fps,fps_denominator=fps_denom,audio_rate=sr,channels=ch,length=720/4*30).ColorYUV(off_y=y1-16,off_u=u-128, off_v=v-128) l2=blankclip(pixel_type="YV12",width=w,height=h,fps=fps,fps_denominator=fps_denom,audio_rate=sr,channels=ch).ColorYUV(off_y=y2-16,off_u=u-128, off_v=v-128) d==1?stackvertical(l1,l2):stackhorizontal(l1,l2) pointresize(w,h)#two 1 pixel lines specified in direct YUV and resized } function loopstack(clip vid,int index,int end, string dir, string hfunc, string vfunc) { #generic for/next loop of hfunc/vfunc called with index as $i d=(dir=="v"||dir=="vertical")?1:0 dir=(d==1)?"vertical":"horizontal" hfunc=StrReplace(hfunc,"$i","index")#string(index) doesn't update vfunc=StrReplace(vfunc,"$i","index")#select is slow #assert(false,hfunc)#shows first call to pair() d==1?index<end?Apply("stack"+dir,Eval(vfunc),loopstack(vid,index+1,end,dir,hfunc,vfunc)):Eval(vfunc): \ index<end?Apply("stack"+dir,Eval(hfunc),loopstack(vid,index+1,end,dir,hfunc,vfunc)):Eval(hfunc) } Function StrReplace(string base, string sought, string rep) { pos = FindStr(base, sought) return (sought == "") || (pos == 0) \ ? base \ : StrReplace( \ LeftStr(base, pos - 1) + rep + \ MidStr(base, pos + StrLen(sought)), \ sought, rep) } #YRamp: ramp luma from y1 to y2 (left to right) and color u,v, in a block (even) w, h #potential bug: if w is odd, it will be widened to the nearest even amount (because of YV12), and final y2 will be +1 # if you need an odd-width ramp, you will have to do this in another color space (or twice as big framesize later reduced) #ie w=219, y1=16, y2=235 gives, a 220 wide video ending in y=235,236 in last two columns #also special rounding is used, so that w=440, y1=16, y2=235 gives 440 wide video starting y=16,16,17,17....234,235,235. This is not possible without round tie to zero! Function YRamp(int y1,int y2, int u, int v, int w, int h) { yd=y2-y1#change in luma i=(float(yd)/(w-2))#change in luma per x, note -2 is to make end y 'longer' ie w=438, ends with 235,235 (actually 235.5) #this is an interesting case where round to zero on tie is better, as (0,.5,1,1.5)->(0,1,1,2) is out of range and too much total power, (0,0,1,1) is more correct j=int((w-1)/2) loopstack(blankclip,0,j,"h","pair(rnd(index*2*"+String(i)+"+16),rnd((index*2+1)*"+String(i)+"+16),"+String(u)+","+String(v)+",2,"+String(h)+",0)","pair(index*2+16,index*2+17,"+String(u)+","+String(v)+",48,4,0)") } Function Ramp(int w, int h) { YRamp(16, 235, 128, 128, w, h) } #special round: round towards 0 on tie; rnd(1.5)=1, rnd(-1.5)=-1 Function rnd(float i) { Return (frac(abs(i))==0.5) ? floorz(i) : round(i) } #special floor: floor towards 0; floorz(1.9)=0, floorz(-1.9)=-1 Function floorz(float i) { return sign(i)*floor(abs(i)) } #parse color strings Function yof(string c) { return int(value(midstr(c,1,3))) } Function uof(string c) { return int(value(midstr(c,5,3))) } Function vof(string c) { return int(value(midstr(c,9,3))) } #simple block of color w,h, color Function block(string c, int w, int h) { w=(w%2)==1?w+1:w pair(yof(c),yof(c),uof(c),vof(c),int(w),h,0) } #Rec.709 values of color bars, to be used only for digital or hd signals blkm2="012,128,128" blk="016,128,128" blkp2="020,128,128" blkp4="025,128,128" gry15="049,128,128" gry40="104,128,128" wht75="180,128,128" wht100="235,128,128" yel75="168,044,136" cyn75="145,147,44" grn75="134,063,052" mag75="063,193,204" red75="051,109,212" blu75="028,212,120" yel100="219,016,138" cyn100="188,154,016" red100="063,102,240" blu100="032,240,118" #need to check this, as -I is 16,158,95, document specified +I plusi="016,158,095" plusq="16,175,150" #used for SMPTE HD (ref?) choice=plusi w=220*1 d=0 h=480 u=10 v=12 #Function Demos #loopstack(clip vid,int index,int end, string dir, string hfunc, string vfunc) #pair(127,128,u,v,2,48,0) #loopstack(blankclip,1,360,"h","pair(index*2+16,index*2+17,"+String(u)+","+String(v)+",2,"+String(h)+",0)","pair(index*2+16,index*2+17,"+String(u)+","+String(v)+",48,4,0)") #YRamp(16,235,128,128,w,h) a=1920 #or 1280 b=1080 #or 720 c=a*.75/7 #205 5/7 d=(a-.75*a)/2 #240 b1of12=b/12 b3of12=b*3/12 b7of12=b*7/12 c3of2=c*3/2 c5of6=c*5/6 c1of3=c*1/3 #section1 s1a=block(gry40,int(d),b7of12) s1b=block(wht75,int(c),b7of12) s1c=block(yel75,int(c),b7of12) s1d=block(cyn75,int(c),b7of12) s1e=block(grn75,int(c),b7of12) s1f=block(mag75,int(c),b7of12) s1g=block(red75,int(c),b7of12) s1h=block(blu75,int(c),b7of12) s1i=block(gry40,int(d),b7of12) s1=stackhorizontal(s1a,s1b,s1c,s1d,s1e,s1f,s1g,s1h,s1i).pointresize(a,b7of12) #section2 h=b1of12 s2a=block(cyn100,int(d),h) s2b=block(choice,int(c),h) s2c=block(wht75,int(6*c),h) s2d=block(blu100,int(d),h) s2=stackhorizontal(s2a,s2b,s2c,s2d) #section3 h=b1of12 s3a=block(yel100,int(d),h) s3b=ramp(int(7*c),h) s3c=block(red100,int(d),h) s3=stackhorizontal(s3a,s3b,s3c) #section4 h=b3of12 s4a=block(gry15,int(d),h) s4b=block(blk,int(c3of2),h) s4c=block(wht100,int(c*2),h) s4d=block(blk,int(c5of6),h) s4e=block(blkm2,int(c1of3),h) s4f=block(blk,int(c1of3),h) s4g=block(blkp2,int(c1of3),h) s4h=block(blk,int(c1of3),h) s4i=block(blkp4,int(c1of3),h) s4j=block(blk,int(c),h) s4k=block(gry15,int(d),h) s4=stackhorizontal(s4a,s4b,s4c,s4d,s4e,s4f,s4g,s4h,s4i,s4j,s4k).pointresize(a,h) arib_std_b28=stackvertical(s1,s2,s3,s4) arib_std_b28