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TemporalRepair is a temporal filter, primarily useful for restoring static (non moving) details of spatial filters like RgTools|RemoveGrain.
This filter was ported to Avs+ color spaces and support both x86 and x64 platforms. The filter appeared in RgTools 0.98. Previously it was contained in RemoveGrain v0.9 and 1.0b package.


- Supported color formats: all, except YUY2

Syntax and Parameters

TemporalRepair (clip, clip, int "mode", int "smooth", bool "grey", bool "planar", int "opt")

clip   =
Mandatory input clip to be repaired. Usually the processed clip.

clip   =
Mandatory input clip. Usually the original unprocessed clip.

int  mode = 0
int  smooth = 0
mode and smooth are aliases, doing the same:
  • 0 : default
  • 1 : TemporalRepair is no more purely temporal, because it takes into account also the temporal fluctuation of the 8 neighboring pixels.
  • 2 : restores less than mode 0,1,3 and is therefore the safest mode for deinterlacing and gives fairly good compression results.
  • 3 : is also suitable for deinterlacing and should be chosen, if one aims to preserve the maximum amount of detail possible.
  • 4 : ? also purely temporal

bool  grey = false
If true chroma will not be processed nor copied.

bool  planar = false
not used, parameter kept for compatibility reasons

int  opt = -1
  • -1 : default (best CPU code is chosen automatically)
  • 0 : C
  • 1 : SSE2
  • 2 : SSE4.1


TemporalRepair with default values:

Unprocessed = AviSource("Blah.avi")
Processed   = RemoveGrain(Unprocessed, mode=2, modeU=2, modeV=2, planar=false)
TemporalRepair(Processed, Unprocessed, mode=0, grey=false, planar=false)


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