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Revision as of 14:19, 10 September 2021 by FranceBB (Talk | contribs)

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Author Prunedtree
Version 0.7
Download GitHub v0.7
Category Spatial Denoisers
License Closed source
Discussion Doom9 Thread (2006) - Doom9 Thread (2021)



frfun7 is a spatial fractal denoising plugin made by Marc Fauconneau in 2002 and later maintained by Ferenc Pintér.


Syntax and Parameters

frfun7 (clip, float "lambda",float "T", float "Tuv", int "P", int "TP", int "R1")

clip   =
Input clip.

float  lambda = 1.1
Adjust the power of the local denoising.

float  T = 6.0
Limits the max luma denoising power for edges; 0 disables processing.

float  Tuv = 2.0
Limits the max chroma denoising power for edges; 0 disables processing.

int  P = 0
it's a "speed -vs- quality" trade off setting.
  • 0 : faster but slightly lower quality than frfun7_rev6 (may create minor artifacts around line edges).
  • 1 : adaptive overlapping (see also TP1). slower than frfun7_rev6 but the quality is a little bit better.
  • 2 : temporal
  • 4 : adaptive radius
Internally the parameter is treated as a bit mask but probably it has no point.
Parameter is available since frfun7 2013.

int  TP1 = 0
A threshold which affects P=1 (adaptive overlapping).
Introduced as a separate parameter in r0.7test. This value had to be encoded into P as TP1*1000 previously.
0 will always run into a final filtering part, the bigger it is, probably the more pixels it will skip. (?)

int  R1 = 3
Radius for first pass of the internal algorithm.
First pass in pre v0.7 was fixed to 3 (and was no separate parameter)
Valid values are 2 or 3.


frfun7 with default settings:

frfun7(lambda=1.1, T=6.0, Tuv=2.0, P=0, TP1=0, R1=3)


Version         Date            Changes
2021 2021/09/10 - Code refresh and additions by pinterf - Source to VS2019 solution - Add/guess missing source parts, rename files - Update AviSynth headers - Add version resource - Avisynth V2.6 style plugin - Implement all mmx inline assembler as SIMD intrinsics - x64 build - fix some rounding and other issue - re-enable T=0, Tuv=0 cases (unprocessed plane copy) - add experimental TP1 (default 0) a threshold for P=1 (temporal overlapping) mode - add experimental R1 (default 3, can be set to 2) first pass radius 2013 2013/09/04 - no longer buffers the input; yields a nice speed increase. - "P" parameter added
rev6 2006/05/10 - bug fixes - remove mod8 restriction - process first and last frame
rev1 2006/05/05 - initial release

Archived Downloads

Version Download Mirror Mirror 2
2021 frfun7_v0.7.7 2013 frfun7 frfun7

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