The functions in this plugin are very similar to those of TransAll. Mostly recoded for handling more bit depths and formats for Avisynth+. All functions are thread safe MT_NICE
The TxPlus plug-in creates transition from one clip to another clip having equal frame width, height, pitch, color format. and similar Audio formats. The scene will gradually form from the firs Clip to the second Clip during the specified overlap duration. Audio of the first clip fades out while of the second fades in during ition. (24 bit audio is not accepted).. Brief description of all the functions within this plugin is given in the Synopsis. Around 150 distinct itions can be created with these functions. In the detailed descriptions typical images seen during ition are depicted.
Place the TxPlus.dll in the appropriate Avisynth+ plugin folder . A LoadPlugin call will be needed if the plugin is put in any other folder. As there are many functions in this plugin , it may be preferable to keep this plugin in a different folder and invoke loadplugin. All parameters excepting input clips and overlap time, have default values.
A sample script may look like this :
#any desired ition call in place of Sprite below
Copy of my test script to check most of the functions is after synopsis on this page.
Avisynth+ r2247 or later supported all color formats ( excepting stacked) are accepted
Loadplugin call required only if All.dll is not in Avisynth+ auto load plugins folder #loadPlugin ("------\TxPlus.dll") #for avisynth+ uncomment next line and a line at end of this script #SetFilterMTMode("DEFAULT_MT_MODE",MT_NICE) time = 1 fps = 30 colorbars().trim(0,30) Lanczosresize(600,400) #converttoYUY2() #converttoYV12() #converttoRGB32() #converttoRGB24() #converttoY() #converttoYV16() #converttoYV24() #ConvertToPlanarRGB() #ConvertToPlanarRGBA() ## #ConvertBits(10) #ConvertBits(12) #ConvertBits(14) #ConvertBits(16) #ConvertBits(32) #converttoRGB48() #converttoRGB64() #converttoY() #ConvertToYUV420() #ConvertToYUV422 #ConvertToYUV444 #ConvertToYUV411 #ConvertToPlanarRGB() #ConvertToPlanarRGBA() fps = 30 a = invert() #turnleft().turnleft() /* audio = Tone (length= 1,frequency = 1000) a=audiodub(a,audio) audio = Tone (length= 1,frequency = 100) b = audiodub( audio) */ t = (a.FrameCount-1) / a.FrameRate() d = a.width / 4 left = a right = b time = t x= false y = true Accord(left,right,time,"hor",false,true) last ++Accord(left,right,time,"hor",false,false) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"hor",true,true) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"hor",true,false) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"vert",false,true) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"vert",false,false) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"vert",true,true) last ++ Accord(left,right,time,"vert",true,false) TA = last.subtitle(" A c c o r d",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) Bloom(left,right,time,emerge = true) last ++ Bloom(left,right,time,emerge = false) TB = last.subtitle(" B L O O M ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) Bubbles(left,right,time,false) last ++ Bubbles(left,right,time,true) TBL = last.subtitle(" B U B B L E S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TB + TBL TB = TB + TBL Central(left,right,time,false,false,-2) last ++ Central(left,right,time,false,true,2) # check RGB32 Last ++ Central(left,right,time,true,false,-2) Last ++ Central(left,right,time,true,true,2) #YUY2 RGB32 TCN = last.subtitle(" C E N T R A L",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TCN Crumple(left,right,time,"fan",false).subtitle(" C R U M P L E fan unfold",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) last ++ Crumple(left,right,time,"fan",true).subtitle(" C R U M P L E fan fold",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TCL = last #.subtitle(" C R U M P L E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TCL Disco(left,Right,time,40,2,false) last ++ Disco(left,Right,time,20,2,false) last ++ Disco(left,Right,time,40,2,true) last ++ Disco(left,Right,time,20,-2,true) TDS = last.subtitle(" D I S C O",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TDS FlipPage(left,right,time,"up") last ++ FlipPage(left,right,time,"left") TFP = last.subtitle(" F L I P P A G E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TFP FlipTurn(left,right,time,0,6,3) last ++ FlipTurn(left,right,time,6,0,3) last ++ FlipTurn(left,right,time,2,4,3) Last ++ FlipTurn(left,right,time,4,2,-3) Last ++ FlipTurn(left,right,time,4,2,0) TFT = last.subtitle(" F L I P T U R N",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) ttt = tft part1 = (TA ++ TB++TCN++TCL++TDS++TFP++TFT) Funnel(left,right,time,"right") Last ++ Funnel(left,right,time,"left") Last ++ Funnel(left,right,time,"up") Last ++ Funnel(left,right,time,"down") TFN = last.subtitle(" F U N N E L",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TFN Marbles(left,right,time,60, 16,true) last ++ Marbles(left,right,time,60,16, false) last ++ Marbles(left,right,time,32,20,true) TMB = last.subtitle(" M A R B L E S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TMB Paint(left,right,time,"wall") last ++ Paint(left,right,time,"fence") last ++ Paint(left,right,time,"strips") TPN = last.subtitle(" P A I N T",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TPN Push(left, right, time,"left") last ++ Push(left, right, time,"right") last ++ Push(left, right, time,"up") last ++ Push(left, right, time,"down") TPS = last.subtitle(" P U S H",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TPS Ripple(left,right,time,origin = "se", lambda =64) last ++ Ripple(left,right,time,origin = "ne", lambda = 48) last ++ Ripple(left,right,time,origin = "nw" ) last ++ Ripple(left,right,time,origin = "sw") last ++ Ripple(left,right,time, origin = "north") last ++ Ripple(left,right,time, origin = "south") last ++ Ripple(left,right,time, origin = "west") last ++ Ripple(left,right,time, origin = "east") last ++ Ripple(left,right,time, origin = "center") TRP = last.subtitle(" R I P P L E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TRP Ripples(left,right,time,origin = "se", lambda =64) last ++ Ripples(left,right,time,origin = "ne", lambda = 48) last ++ Ripples(left,right,time,origin = "nw" ) last ++ Ripples(left,right,time,origin = "sw") last ++ Ripples(left,right,time, origin = "north") last ++ Ripples(left,right,time, origin = "south") last ++ Ripples(left,right,time, origin = "west") last ++ Ripples(left,right,time, origin = "east") TRPS = subtitle(" R I P P L E S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TRPS Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 1, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 1, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 2, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 2, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 3, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 3, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 4, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 4, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 5, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 5, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 6, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 6, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 7, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 7, rollin = false) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 8, rollin = true) last ++ Roll(Left, Right, time,dir = 8, rollin = false) TROL = last.subtitle(" R O L L",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT=TROL Scratch(left,right,time, style = "laser") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "rain") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "dust") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "tv") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "hline") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "vline") #last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "laser") last ++ Scratch(left,right,time, style = "fount") TSCR = last.subtitle(" S C R A T C H",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT=TSCR PART2 = TFN ++ TMB ++ TPN ++ TPS ++ TRP ++ TRPS++ TROL ++ TSCR Shuffle(left,right,time,"left") last ++ Shuffle(left,right,time,"right") last ++ Shuffle(left,right,time,"up") last ++ Shuffle(left,right,time,"down") TSF = last.subtitle(" S H U F F L E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) ttt = TSF slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 1, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 1, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 2, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 2, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 3, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 3, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 4, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 4, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 5, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 5, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 6, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 6, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 7, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 7, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 8, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 8, slidein = false) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 0, slidein = true) last ++ slide(Left, Right, time,dir = 0, slidein = false) TSI = LAST.subtitle(" S L I D E ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TSI Sprite(left,right,time,"left") last ++ Sprite(left,right,time,"right") last ++ Sprite(left,right,time,"up") last ++ Sprite(left,right,time,"down") TSP = LAST.subtitle(" S P R I T E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TSP PART3 = TSF ++ TSI ++ TSP Swing(left,right,time,true,1,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,1,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,1,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,1,4) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,2,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,2,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,2,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,2,4) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,4,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,4,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,4,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,true,4,4) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,1,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,1,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,1,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,1,4) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,2,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,2,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,2,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,2,4) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,4,1) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,4,2) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,4,3) last ++ Swing(left,right,time,false,4,4) TSWG = LAST.subtitle(" S W I N G",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TSWG Swirl(left,right,time,"anti",4) last ++ Swirl(left,right,time,"clock",8) last ++ Swirl(left,right,time,"anti",12) last ++ Swirl(left,right,time,"clock",16) last ++ Swirl(left,right,time,"anti",20) last ++ Swirl(left,right,time,"clock",24) TSWR = last.subtitle(" S W I R L",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT=TSWR TwinDoors(left,right,time,false,true) last ++ TwinDoors(left,right,time,false,false) last ++ TwinDoors(left,right,time,true,true) last ++ TwinDoors(left,right,time,true,false) T2D = last.subtitle(" T W I N D O O R S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = T2D Venetianblinds(left,right,time,16,"diam") last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"cheq") last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"hor") last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"vert") last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,16,"diam",open = x) last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"cheq",open = x) last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"hor",open = x) last ++ Venetianblinds(left,right,time,20,"vert",open = x) TVB = last.subtitle(" V E N E T I A N B L I N D S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TVB Weaving(left,right,time,"jigsaw") last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"vert") last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"hor") last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"weave") last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"jigsaw", open = x) last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"vert",open = x) last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"hor",open = x) last ++ Weaving(left,right,time,"Weaving",open = x) TWV= last.subtitle(" W E A V I N G ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TWV Wipe(left,right,time,dir = 0) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,dir = 1) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,2) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,3) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,4) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,5) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,6) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,7) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,8) last ++ Wipe(left,right,time,9) TWP = LAST.subtitle(" W I P E",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) TTT = TWP /**/ PART4 = TSWG ++ TSWR ++ T2D ++ TVB ++ TWV ++ TWP all = PART1 ++ PART2 ++ PART3 ++ PART4 last = all ## following 2 lines to enable virtualdub to display ConvertBits(8) converttoRGB32() return (last) #for avisynth+ delete comment #prefetch(4)
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