F2QBlur function operates in frequency domain and requires for 32 bit avisynth+ FFTw3 32 bit dll or for 64 bit avisynth+ FFTw3 64 bit dll. As these dll s are not thread safe this function operates in MT_SERIALIZED state.
FQBlur function blurs image in circular(as in out of focus) or linear (as due to motion) fashion or as per user specified PSF (given in a text file).
In case of motion blur the line is assumed to be symmetric about origin, the end coordinates of blur line x and y specified will be extended to -x, -y to get full line. In case of out of focus blur the x coordinate is the radius of blur.
All 3 colors of RGB formats are processed, in case of YUY2 only Luma (Y) is blurred. In case of YUV formats Y and for YUV444 if opted U and V will also be blurred.
Alternatively user can input his own psf in text format
conforming strictly to following :
1.Must have number 1 in first line.
2. Second line first integer is number of values present in each row. The second value on this line is number of rows. A maximum of 16 X 16 rows and columns can only be specified,
Third line onwards PSF values in rows and columns. The values are separated by space. Entries are in floating point.
Description | Name | Type | Limits | Default |
Input clip | clip | must have the fields separated | none | |
Whether blur is linear as in motion blur or out of focus type or PSF given in a text file | psf | string | "line" for linear, "focus" for out of focus or "file" for user special | "line" |
blur line right end x coordinate or radius of focus blur. Line assumed symmetric about origin | x | integer | 2 to 1/8 frame width | 6 |
blur line right end y coordinate. Line assumed symmetric about origin | y | integer | - 1/8th to 1/8th frame height | 2 |
value of spike to be added | spike | float | not implemented yet | 2 |
Full path and name of text file in which PSF is given. | txt | string | a valid file name must be specified for psf = "file" option | none |
F2qb = F2QBlur(psf = "file", txt = "C:\avi_plugins\FQPlus\blurr.txt") fqb1 = F2QBlur( psf = "line", x=4) fqb2 = F2QBlur( psf = "focus", x=8) fqb3 = F2QBlur( psf = "line", x=8,y = 2) fqb4 = F2QBlur(psf = "line", x=12,y = -4) fqb5 = F2QBlur(psf = "file", txt = "----") Example text file: 1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0.15 1.0 0 0 0 0.15 1.0 0.15 0 0 0.15 1.0 0.15 0 0 0.15 1.0 0.15 0 0 0.15 1.0 0.15 0 0 0 1.0 0.15 0 0 0 0
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