This function accepts RGB, Planar and YUY2 formats for all bit depths supported by avisynth+. It is thread safe. MT_NICE_FILTER
Reform has two modes viz: rectangle to quadrilateral and quadrilateral to rectangle. Lanczos or cubic or linear or nearest point interpolation methods can be opted. Coordinates can be specified in floating point real or in normalized form.
While there are no limits for specifying parameters, it has to be ensured that the specified parameters do not twist or fold the Quadrlateral.The accuracy of transform deteriorates with higher deviation of quad from rectangle. In the table of parameters R stands for Rectangle and Q stands for Quadrilateral.The quadrilateral coordinates need to be specified in clockwise order starting from the corner the top left corner of rectangle transforms to.
Parameter | Parameter name | Variable type | Limits of values | Default value |
clip to be skewed into quadrilateral or deskewed into rectangle | clip | none | ||
clip to be used as background | clip | none | ||
resize interpolation to use | resize | string | "lanczos" "cubic" "line" "point" | "cubic" |
Q left top x coordinate | qx | float | none | 0 |
Q left top y coordinate | qy | float | none | 0 |
Q right top x coordinate | qx1 | float | none | frame wwidth - 1 |
Q right top y coordinate | qy1 | float | none | 0 |
Q right bottom x coordinate | qx2 | float | none | frame width-1 |
Q right bottom y coordinate | qy2 | float | none | height - 1 |
Q left bottom x coordinate | qx3 | float | none | 0 |
Q left bottom y coordinate | qy3 | float | none | frame height-1 |
R left x coordinate | lx | float | none | 0 |
R right x coordinate | rx | float | none | frame width-1 |
R top y coordinate | ty | float | none | 0 |
R bottom y coordinate | by | float | none | frame height-1 |
Whether quadrilateral to rectangle conversion | qr | boolean | true for q to r, false for r to q | true |
Whether normalised coordinates are specified? | norm | boolean | true for normalized, false for real | false |
Script examples:- ColorBars(). converttorgb32() bg = blankclip(last) Reform(last,bg,qr = false,norm = false, qx = 80, qy = 270, qx1 = 320, qy1 = 50, qx2 = 650, qy2 = 320,qx3 = 100, qy3 = 400) Reform(last,last,qr = true,norm = false, qx = 80, qy = 270, qx1 = 320, qy1 = 50, qx2 = 650, qy2 = 320,qx3 = 100, qy3 = 400)Below is a suitably modified interesting script due to Martin53 ( sept 2012)in the quad plugin thread). By commenting either call or or none the power of the plugin can be viewed.
ColorBars(). converttoYV12() bg = blankclip(last) Subtitle("Flying Colorbars()",text_color=$d0c000,align=5,size=40) ScriptClip(""" c= last bg = blankclip(last) h = height(bg)-1 w = width(bg)-1 t = 0.061 *(current_frame) t2 = 0.127 *( current_frame) a = 0.501 + 0.5 * sin(t/pi) t1x = (-0.2*cos(t2)) * w t1y = (0.5-0.5*cos(t2)) * h t2x = (1.0+0.2*cos(t2)) * w t2y = (0.5-0.5*cos(t2)) * h t3x = (1.0+0.2*cos(t2)) * w t3y = (0.5+0.5*cos(t2)) * h t4x = (-0.2*cos(t2)) * w t4y = (0.5+0.5*cos(t2)) * h c1x = (0.5+a*cos(t)) * w c1y = (0.5+a*sin(t)) * h c2x = (0.5-a*sin(t)) * w c2y = (0.5+a*cos(t)) * h c3x = (0.5-a*cos(t)) * w c3y = (0.5-a*sin(t)) * h c4x = (0.5+a*sin(t)) * w c4y = (0.5-a*cos(t)) * h # comment out call having qr = true or qr = false or have both running to see the effect Reform(c, bg,lx=t1x,rx=t2x,ty=t1y,by=t3y,qx=c1x,qy=c1y, qx1=c2x,qy1=c2y, qx2=c3x,qy2=c3y,qx3=c4x,qy3=c4y, resize = "point", qr = false) #Reform(c,bg,lx=t1x,rx=t2x,ty=t1y,by=t3y,qx=c1x,qy=c1y, qx1=c2x,qy1=c2y, qx2=c3x,qy2=c3y,qx3=c4x,qy3=c4y, resize="point", qr = true) """)
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