

the script call for Amp is

vcm.Amp( clip, [ int useclip = 0] [,clip sclip] [,int connect4 = 1] ,int sh=[int,int,int], int sm = [int,int,int]])

clip:Input constant format Excepting Compat color.
useclip: if not set to 0, a smoothed version of input clip to be used for segmentation and must be specified.
sclip: smoothed version of input clip.Must be specified if useclip was not set to zero
connect4: if set 0, 8 point and if set 1, 4 point connect is used for segmentation.
sh: Sharpening can be -5 to 5, but preferably 1, to be spcified for each plane or atleast for first plane.
sm: smoothening can be 0 to 10 and to be specified for each plane or at least for first plane.

Amp function segments image on watershed principle. Smoothing is done if sm is not set to 0, restricting to boundaries within each basin. Sharpening is by spiking watershed boundaries and so must use small values. As watershed is known to over segment an image, the input clip should be clean or smooth. If useclip parameter is not 0, sclip a pre smoothed version of the input clip(eg: blurred with gBlur function)can be used for segmentation. This segmentation is used to process the input clip and will yeild better results.