

the script call for Pattern is

vcm.Pattern(clip[,int type = 4][,int x = frame width / 2] [,int y = frame height / 2][,int color = [255,255,255][,int rad = 80][, int spk = 0][, float spike = 0.1][,int orient = 1][, int stat = 1][,int wl = 16][, float overlay = 0.1])

clip: constant format rgb or yuv input.For dirac use black blankclip
type: 1 dirac, 2 disc, 3 zcos (cos (d squared)), 4 sine 5 step
x:, y: coordinates of origin of Pattern. can be outside frame for types 3, 4, 5.
color: in b,g, r format
rad: radius of circular disc for type 2
spk: if set to 1 disc center will have a spike
spike: value of spike. 0 to 1.0
orient: orientation of Pattern:- 1. circular, 2 vertical, 3 horizontal and 4 for slant. Applicable for for Pattern types 3,4 and 5 only.
stat: if set 0, Pattern moves from frame to frame.
wl: wave length of Pattern type 3, 4 and 5
overlay: proportion of Pattern overlay on input clip.