the script call for Rotate function is
vcm.Rotate(clip, clip bkg, float angle [, float dinc = 0] [,int lx = 0] [,int wd = width] [,int ty = 0] [,int ht = height] [ [,int axx = lx + wd /2] [,int axy = ty + ht / 2] [,int intq = 2])
clip: accepts all constant formats excepting compat.
bkg: = clip. Must be identical to input clip, including length. Same input clip also can be specified.
angle:angle in degrees through which input frame is to be Rotated.
dinc:increent of angle per frame.
lx:left top x coordinate of window of frame to be Rotated. Must be within frame.
wd:width of window to be Rotated. Window must be in frame.
ty:left top y coordinate of window to be Rotated.Window must be within frame.
ht:height of window. window must be within frame.
axx:x coordinate of axis of rotation. need not be within frame.However may ensure that at least a part of window remain visible.
axy:y coordinate of axis of rotation. need not be in frame. However may ensure at least a part of window is visible.
intq: interpolation type. 0. Nearest point, 1. bilinear, 2.bicubic, 3.Lanczos.
Rotate function as name implies Rotates the frame (or a window of it through a given angle in degrees. To enable use as a transition, parameter dinc
increases the rotation angle by this amount per frame. Thevoid spaces created by Rotation in the visible frame space is filled by the background clip bkg