
The transition from Clip A to Clip B occurs as either rotating or stationary growing discs of B covers A, or diminishing discs of A revealing B

trans.Disco(clip, clipb clip[, float overlap = 1.0 ][, int rad = 8 or 1/16][,int nturns = 0][,int emerge = 1])

Parameter description:
clip : A clip. Constant format.
clipb : B clip. Must have identical format of A clip
overlap : transition time length in seconds. Floating point. Must correspond to at least 8 frames per rotation.
rad : maximum radius of each disc. Not more than 1/16 th of frame smaller dimension. Not more than 16 discs per dimension are allowed.If rad is less than 8 frame is too small.
nturns: number of turns discs make during transition. Allow at least 8 frames per turn. If negative discs rotate in opposite direction.
emerge : if 1: B emerges from within A. If 0: A disappears within B

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