The call script is :-
vfx.Balloon(clip [,int sf = 0][,int ef = end frame][,int rad = 1/8th of min(ht,wd)][,float refl = 0.2] [,float opacity = 0.4][, int color = [150,150,150] ][,int nhops = 1][,int rise = ht - rad - 1][,int sx = rad + 2][int ex = width - rad][,int fy = ht - rad][,int light = 5][, float offset = 0.8][,int lx = width / 2][,int ly = 0] )
clip: input clip of constant format. Compat input not accepted.
sf: Effect start Frame Number
ef: Effect End Frame Number
radius: Balloon Radius. 8 to 1/4th of frame smaller dimension.
light: Direction of ambient light. As per number pad 1 to 9. Set to 0, if light source is within frame.
lx: If light was set 0, x coord of light
ly:If light was set 0, y coord of light
offset: light source off set in z direction from frame plane. 0 to 1.0
refl:Reflectivity of Balloon. 0 to 1.0
color: color of Balloon in [R,G,B] 8 bit values
opacity: 0 to 1.0
nhops: number of hops balloon makes during effect.. nhops must be 0 to 1/8 of EndFrame - StartFrame, and less than fx - sx / 16 .
rise: Balloon vertical movement. fy to frame height
sx: Balloon x coordinate at start
sy: Balloon y coordinate at start
ex: Balloon x coordinate at end
fy: Ballon will not fall below this y coordinate