The call script is :-
vfx.Conez(clip, clip bkg [,int sf = 0][,int ef = end frame][, int top = 1/4 of (ht or wd) - 8 / PI ][,int base = (ht or wd) - 8 / PI][,int vert = 1][int prog = 1])
clip: input clip of constant format. Compat input not accepted.
bkg: clip for back ground. Identical to input format and length not less.
sf: Effect start Frame Number
ef: Effect End Frame Number
top: Conez Diameter at top or on left. 8 to (ht or wd) - 8 / PI
base: Conez diameter at base / right side. 8 to (ht or wd) - 8 / PI
prog: If set to 1, the cone forms gradually during effect. Else if 0, constant throughout.
vert: If set to 0, Cone orients horizontal else vertical.
The input frame wraps around on a half cone (visible part seen straight). By repeating with horizontal or vertical flips in between interesting shapes will form. Background clip may be a dark blank clip or itself. Try combinations.