

The call script is :-

vfx.DiscoLights(clip [,int sf = 0][,int ef = end frame][, int type = 2 ][,int nspots = 3][int life = 15][, int minrad = 32][,float dim = 0.2])

clip: input clip of constant format. Compat input not accepted.
sf: Effect start Frame Number
ef: Effect End Frame Number
type: 1. for random stationary 2.for randomly moving and 3. for random preset direction moving spots
nspots: 1 to 10 random positions, random colors
life: number of frames each set of lights are present in frame. 1 to 60
minrad: minimum radius of spots. Twice and thrice this size also will be present. 4 to 128
dim: Input frame dimmed to this level and spots appear over this.0.01 to 0.5