

The call script is :-

vfx.Flashes(clip [,int sf = 0][,int ef = end frame][, int x = width /2 ][,int y = height / 2][, int rmax = 1 / 4th of frame smaller dimension ][,float ts = 2.0][, float tf = 0.25])

clip: input clip of constant format. Compat input not accepted.
sf: Effect start Frame Number
ef: Effect End Frame Number
x: x coord of center of smoke cloud. Within frame.
y: y coord of center of smoke cloud. Within frame.
rmax: smoke grows to circular cloud up to maxium radius. 8 to half of frame smaller dimension.
ts: smoke grows to full size in this time in seconds. 0 to effect duration minus tf.
tf: life of each flash in seconds. 0 to effect duration - ts;

This function creates a smoke cloud and flashes red at random in the smoke patch. This mimics the popular Flashes fire works.