The call script is :-
vfx.Ripple(clip [,int sf = 0][,int ef = end frame][, int wavelen = 12][, int amp = 4][, int poolx = 0 ][,int pooly = 0][, int wd = frame width - x - 1 ][, int ht = frame height - y - 1][, float speed = 5.0][, int eamp = amp][, int origin = 4 ][,int xo , int yo][, float espeed = speed][,int ifr = 33][, int dfr = 67])
clip: input clip of constant format. Compat input not accepted.
sf: Effect Start Frame Number
ef: Effect End Frame Number
wavelen: Wavelength of ripple 4 to 250
amp: vertical amplitude of waves 4 to 100
speed: water movement speed 0.1 to 100.0
poolx: Top left x coordinate of the Pool
pooly: Top left y coordinate of the Pool
wd: width of the Pool. Pool must be within frame
ht: Height of the Pool. Pool must be within frame
eamp: From dfr %age to end of effect, changes ( subsides) from amp to this value linearly.eamp must not be more than amp.
espeed: at effect end water movement speed 0.1 to 100.0
origin: 1 to 9 indicate preset location of ripple origin, as seen on number key pad. If set to 0 (zero), then xo and yo coordinates must be specified
xo: custom x coordinate of ripple origin. Must be in frame.
yo: custom y coordinate of ripple origin. Must be in frame.
ifr: %age. Ripple expands to fill pool from start to this frame corresponding to %age of effect duration
dfr: %age . Ripple continues in the pool fully up to this %age of effect.
This function creates a Ripple in a pool of water expanding from the specified origin from start frame to ifr (of effect duration) to cover the pool fully with amplitude of amp. From ifr to dfr the ripple continues with same parameters. From dfr to end the amp changes linearly to eamp while ripple continues to occupy pool fully. Rest of the parameter values are linearly interpolated during the full length of effect.Note that phone number pad have inverted order. 1, 2, 3 and 7, 8 9 on number key pad and on phone number pad have interchanged positions.