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Author StainlessS
Version v1.01
Category Averaging
License GPLv2
Discussion Doom9 Thread


[edit] Description

AviSynth filter to blend consecutive frames in a clip.

[edit] Requirements

*** vcredist_x86.exe is required for ClipBlend-x86
*** vcredist_x64.exe is required for ClipBlend-x64

[edit] Syntax and Parameters

ClipBlend (clip, int "delay")
ClipBlend16 (clip, int "delay")

clip   =
Input clip.
ClipBlend16: input clip needs to be stack16, see examples.

int  delay = 0
Delay, default = 0, == ALL frames played so far blended.
  • 1 = blend with previous frame ie two frames blended.
  • 10 = blend with 10 previous frames, ie 11 frames blended, etc.

[edit] Examples

#ClipBlend with default settings:
#To get average of all frames 0 to frame 300:
ClipBlend()                 # Default delay=0 ie all previous frames
Trim(300,-1)                # Get Required frame
#Or to get a single frame average of all frames in a clip:
#Stacked 16-bit processing with AviSynth+:

[edit] How ClipBlend Works

ClipBlend() uses a single 32 bit accumulator (unsigned int) for each channel of each pixel x,y position in the clip frame. With a maximum possible value per pixel/channel being 255 ie 8 bits, this leaves 24 bits available for accumulating the sum of values for that pixel/channel position, ie adding the values for that pixel/channel from every selected frame in the blended range. The additional 24 bits would allow for up to ~16 Million (2^24) frames to be summed, however we also need another bit to maintain maximum precision possible for 8 bit result, so reducing maximum possible frame range to ~8 million frames.


Return AviSource("test.avi").ClipBlend(delay=0).Trim(999,-1)  # 1000 frames, 1000 values per accumulator, ie max 1000*255

Above would sum (each channel/pixel) with maximum possible sum for an accumulator being 1000*255 (about 18 bits, 2^10=1024,2^8=256) As clipblend scans frames, it adds the channel/pixel values at each x,y position to the accumulators, for all of the required frames. If delay = 0, it just adds next frame values to the accumulators. If eg delay=10, and current scanned range is already 10, it subtracts the channel/pixel values of the oldest frame (lowest number) and then adds the values for the next frame to the accumulators. When delivering the result (delay=whatever), it just divides the accumulated sum by the number of sample frames to get the average, and writes it to the relevant pixel/channel/x/y position, could not be simpler.

Implementation is equivalent to this:

int(accumulator / Float(FramesDone) + 0.5)

The actual implementation and reason for the extra needed bit that was mentioned (ie accumulator*2):

((accumulator*2) + FramesDone) / (FramesDone*2)

The *2 pair and addition of FramesDone is the integer equivalent of division, adding 0.5 and taking Int() whist maintaining max possible precision at 8 bits result.

[edit] Changelog

Version      Date(Y/M/D)      Changes
v1.01 2018/11/27 - Added Version resource. Moved to VS2008, with x64. v1.00 2013/06/11 - Initial version.

[edit] Archived Downloads

Version Download Mirror
v1.01 ClipBlend_25&

[edit] External Links

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