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Author sh0dan
Version 2014/02/23
Download DeRainbow.avsi
Category Rainbow & Dot Crawl Removal


[edit] Description

A simple script to reduce rainbows.

[edit] Requirements

[edit] Required Plugins

Latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise.

[edit] Syntax and Parameters

DeRainbow (clip org, int "thresh", bool "interlaced")
DeRainbowYUY2 (clip org, int "thresh", bool "interlaced")

clip  org =
Input clip.

int  thresh = 10
MSharpen threshold value; default is 10 (which is fairly strong).

bool  interlaced = false
False means the input clip is progressive; with true it's interlaced. Interlaced content is processed by using SeparateFields in the beginning and Weave at the end.
Note: this parameter was added as an after-thought, it's not technically correct so use with caution and only as a last resort.

[edit] Examples

DeRainbow with default settings:

DeRainbow(thresh=10, interlaced=false)

[edit] Changelog

Version           Date            Changes
2014/02/23 2014/02/23 - Changed syntax to use MaskTools2. - Add "interlaced" parameter.
2003/11/12 2003/11/12 - Fixed DeRainbow and added a YUY2 version (much slower though), but with no chroma downsampling. - I tweaked it a bit for best results on my current material. - I also changed the blurs to MipSmooth.
2003/10/08 2003/10/08 - Initial release. - Originally named "Rainbow Killer"

[edit] External Links

Back to External Filters

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