MaskTools2/Mt motion
From Avisynth wiki
Creates motion masks.
Syntax and Parameters
- mt_motion (clip, int "thY1", int "thY2", int "thC1", int "thC2", int "thT", int "sc_value", int "Y", int "U", int"V", string "chroma", int "offX", int "offY", int "w" int "h")
- clip =
- Input clip.
- clip =
- int thY1 = 10
- int thY2 = 10
- Luma thresholds; thY1 is the low threshold and thY2 the high threshold. Under thY1, the pixel is set to zero, over thY2, to 255, and in between, left untouched.
- Range: 0 to 255
- int thY1 = 10
- int thC1 = 10
- int thC2 = 10
- int thC1 = 10
- Chroma thresholds; thC1 is the low threshold and thC2 the high threshold. Under thC1, the pixel is set to zero, over thC2, to 255, and in between, left untouched.
- Range: 0 to 255
- int thT = 10
- thT decides whether the frame is a scene change or not. The mask is made blank if a scene change is detected, else, the mask is computed.
- Range: 0 to 255
- int thT = 10
- int sc_value = 0
- Range: 0 to 255
- int sc_value = 0
- int Y = 3
- int U = 1
- int V = 1
- These three values describe the actual processing mode that is to be used on each plane / channel. Here is how the modes are coded :
- x = -255...0 : all the pixels of the plane will be set to -x.
- x = 1 : the plane will not be processed. That means the content of the plane after the filter is pure garbage.
- x = 2 : the plane of the first input clip will be copied.
- x = 3 : the plane will be processed with the processing the filter is designed to do.
- These three values describe the actual processing mode that is to be used on each plane / channel. Here is how the modes are coded :
- int Y = 3
- string chroma = ""
- When defined, the value contained in this string will overwrite the U and V processing modes.
- This is a nice addition proposed by mg262 that makes the filter more user friendly. Allowed values for chroma are:
- "process" : set u = v = 3.
- "copy" or "copy first" : set u = v = 2.
- "xxx", where xxx is a number : set u = v = -xxx.
- string chroma = ""
- int offX = 0
- int offY = 0
- offX and offY are the top left coordinates of the box where the actual processing shall occur. Everything outside that box will be garbage.
- int offX = 0
- int w = -1
- int h = -1
- w and h are the width and height of the processed box. -1 means that the box extends to the lower right corner of the video. That also means that default settings are meant to process the whole picture.
- int w = -1
mt_motion with default settings:
AviSource("blah.avi") mt_motion(thY1=10, thY2=10, thC1=10, thC2=10, thT=10, sc_value=0, Y=3, U=1, V=1, chroma="", offX=0, offY=0, w=-1, h=-1)
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