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Author LaTo
Version v3.20
Download SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z
Category Adjustment Filters
License Free for non-commercial use only
Discussion Doom9 Thread


[edit] Description

SmoothAdjust is a set of 5 filters to make YUV adjustements:

  • SmoothLevels allows to change levels & gamma with optional limiting
  • SmoothTweak allows to change brightness, contrast, saturation & hue
  • SmoothCurve allows to change a plane according to a fixed curve
  • SmoothCustom allows to change a plane according to a custom expression
  • SmoothTools allows to use all the previous filters in one single pass

These 5 filters have a smoothing & dithering algorithm to avoid banding issue. Calculations are made in 32bits float to avoid rounding errors and artifacts. SmoothAdjust is multithreaded (up to 16 threads) and SSE2/AVX2 optimized.

For automatic adjustments, see the "AutoAdjust" standalone plugin.

[edit] Requirements

[edit] Syntax and Parameters

[edit] Usage

  - SmoothLevels( input_low, gamma, input_high, output_low, output_high, chroma, limiter, TVrange, preset,
                  Lmode, darkSTR, brightSTR, Ecurve, Ecenter, protect,
                  interp, dither, HQ, useMT, useOPT, debug, screenW, screenH, scale )

  - SmoothTweak( brightness, contrast, saturation, hue1, hue2, limiter, TVrange,
                 Lmode, limitSTR, Ecenter,
                 interp, dither, HQ, useMT, useOPT, debug, screenW, screenH, scale )

  - SmoothCurve( Ycurve, Ucurve, Vcurve, mode, limiter, TVrange,
                 interp, dither, HQ, useMT, useOPT, debug, screenW, screenH, scale )

  - SmoothCustom( Yexpr, Uexpr, Vexpr, limiter, TVrange,
                  interp, dither, HQ, useMT, useOPT, debug, screenW, screenH, scale )

  - SmoothTools( filename,
                 interp, dither, HQ, useMT, useOPT, debug, screenW, screenH, scale )

  - SmoothLevels16(...), SmoothTweak16(...), SmoothCurve16(...), SmoothCustom16(...), SmoothTools16(...) for 16 bits

[edit] Common Settings

    interp [default: 100]
     Strength of the interpolation
     0   = disable (faster +++)
     1   = weak
     xx  = intermediary
     200 = strong

    dither [default: 75]
     Type of the dithering
     -1  = dithering OFF
     0   = pattern
     xx  = intermediary
     100 = noise

    HQ [default: false]
     Enable high quality interpolation (slower)

    useMT [default: 0]
     Use multithreading (number of internal threads)
     0  = automatic choice (=cores in Avs2.6 and =1 in Avs+/AvsMT)
     xx = xx threads (max = 16 threads)

    useOPT [default: 0]
     Use ASM optimization when available
     0 = automatic choice
     1 = use C code
     2 = use SSE2 code
     3 = use AVX2 code

    debug [default: false]
     Show the debug view at fullscreen resolution

    screenW / screenH [default: -1 / -1]
     Specific screen resolution for debug view

    scale [default: true]
     Auto-scale the size of parameters in debug viewn

[edit] SmoothLevels - General Settings

    levels parameters [default: 16, 1.0, 235, 16, 235]
     input_low   [0-255]
     gamma       [> 0.0]
     input_high  [0-255]
     output_low  [0-255]
     output_high [0-255]

    chroma [default: 100]
     Strength for chroma (conversion based on levels parameters)
      0   = no chroma processing
      xx  = weak
      100 = normal chroma processing
      xx  = strong
      200 = maximum chroma processing

    limiter [default: 0]
     Clamp the output values
      0 = no limiter
      1 = clamp to output_low/output_high
      2 = clamp to 16-235 for luma & 16-240 for chroma

    TVrange [default: true]
     Range of the clip (affects only limiting, see Lmode)

    preset [default: "default"]
     "fullrange" = use "0, 1.0, 255, 0, 255" as default & set "TVrange = false"
     "pc2tv"     = PC -> TV conversion
     "tv2pc"     = TV -> PC conversion

[edit] SmoothLevels - Limiting Settings

    Lmode [default: 0]
     Mode to reduce conversion on special areas for better looking result
      0 = no limiting
      1 = limit conversion on dark areas          (apply conversion @0%   at luma=0 & @100% at luma=255)
      2 = limit conversion on bright areas        (apply conversion @100% at luma=0 & @0%   at luma=255)
      3 = limit conversion on dark & bright areas (apply conversion @0%   at luma=0 & @100% at luma=Ecenter & @0% at luma=255)
     (If TVrange=true, 16 & 235 are used instead of 0 & 255)

    darkSTR [default: 100] 
     Strength for limiting: the higher, the more conversion are reduced on dark areas (for Lmode=1&3)
      0   = OFF
      10  = weak limiting
      200 = strong limiting

    brightSTR [default: 100]
     Strength for limiting: the higher, the more conversion are reduced on bright areas (for Lmode=2)
      0   = OFF
      10  = weak limiting
      200 = strong limiting

    Ecurve [default: 0]
     Type of curve used for limiting
      0 = sine curve
      1 = linear curve

    Ecenter [default: 128]
     Center of expression for Lmode=3 (0~255)

    protect [default: -1]
     -1  = protecting off
     >=0 = black zone protection
           ---> don't apply conversion on pixels egal or below this value 
                (ex: with 16, the black areas like borders 
                     and generic are untouched so they don't look washed out)

[edit] SmoothTweak - General Settings

    brigthness [default: 0]
     -255...0 = decrease the brigthness
     0...+255 = increase the brigthness

    contrast [default: 1.0]
     0.0...1.0  = decrease the contrast
     1.0...10.0 = increase the contrast

    saturation [default: 1.0]
     0.0...1.0  = decrease the saturation
     1.0...10.0 = increase the saturation

    hue1 [default: 0]
     -255...0 = shift the hue towards yellow
     0...+255 = shift the hue towards blue

    hue2 [default: 0]
     -255...0 = shift the hue towards green
     0...+255 = shift the hue towards red

    limiter [default: false]
     Clamp the output to 16-235 for luma & 16-240 for chroma
      false = OFF
      true  = ON

    TVrange [default: true]
     Range of the clip (affects only contrast adjustment)

[edit] SmoothTweak - Limiting Settings

   Lmode [default: 0]
     Mode to reduce conversion on special areas for better looking result (vibrance effect)
      0 = no limiting
      1 = limit conversion on dark areas (for luma) and on low saturated areas (for chroma)
      2 = limit conversion on bright areas (for luma) and on high saturated areas (for chroma)

    limitSTR [default: 100] 
     Strength for limiting: the higher, the more conversion are reduced on specified areas
      0   = OFF
      10  = weak limiting
      200 = strong limiting

    Ecurve [default: 0]
     Type of curve used for limiting
      0 = sine curve
      1 = linear curve

[edit] SmoothCurve Settings

    Ycurve [default: "0-0;255-255"]
     Curve for the Y plane (luma)
      Syntax: "a-b;c-d;e-f;..." a, c & e are source values and b, d & f are destination values
       ---> Examples: "0-0;255-255"  = do nothing
                      "0-255;255-0"  = invert the clip
                      "0-16;255-235" = PC to TV conversion
                      "0-0;16-0;235-255;255-255" = TV to PC conversion

    Ucurve [default: "0-0;255-255"]
     Curve for the U plane (chroma)

    Vcurve [default: "0-0;255-255"]
     Curve for the V plane (chroma)

    mode [default: 100]
     Interpolation mode between control points
      0   = linear
      xx  = intermediary
      100 = cubic

    limiter [default: false]
     Clamp the output to 16-235 for luma & 16-240 for chroma
      false = OFF
      true  = ON

    TVrange [default: 0]
     Convert the curves to TVrange(16-235/16-240) before applying conversion
      0 = OFF
      1 = ON, clip values outside TVrange
      2 = ON, process values outside TVrange

[edit] SmoothCustom Settings

    Yexpr [default: "Y"]
     Expression for the Y plane (luma)

       ---> OPERATORS:
            Arithmetic : ^ * / % + -
            Comparison : ! > < >= <= == != && ||
            Ternary    : ? :
            Constant   : pi

       ---> FUNCTIONS:
            sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, exp, log, ln, sqrt, abs, round, floor, ceil

       ---> Examples: "Y"     = do nothing
                      "255-Y" = invert the clip
                      "Y+32"  = adjust brightness
                      "Y*2"   = adjust contrast

    Uexpr [default: "U"]
     Expression for the U plane (chroma)

       ---> Example: "abs(U-128)+128"

    Vexpr [default: "V"]
     Expression for the V plane (chroma)

       ---> Example: "round(V/16)*16"

    limiter [default: false]
     Clamp the output to 16-235 for luma & 16-240 for chroma
      false = OFF
      true  = ON

    TVrange [default: 0]
     Convert the expressions to TVrange(16-235/16-240) before applying conversion
      0 = OFF
      1 = ON, clip values outside TVrange
      2 = ON, process values outside TVrange

[edit] SmoothTools Settings

    SmoothTools allows to use all the previous filters in one single pass.
    The benefits are significant speedup, no rounding errors between each filters (internal 32-bits),
    one pass smoothing/dithering (much better quality) and preset support (one file by settings).

    filename [default: "default.smt"]
     File used for processing

       ---> SYNTAX:
            The file syntax is the same as avisynth but all parameters must be named.
            Common settings between filters (smooth, dither, useMT, useOPT, ...) should not be used.
            There is no limit to the number of filters in one file (but only one filter by line).
            8-bits and 16-bits filters can not be mixed.

       ---> EXAMPLES:

[edit] 16-Bits Settings

    Some parameters must be mapped to the [0-65535] range before use:

      - SmoothLevels: input_low, input_high, output_low, output_high, Ecenter, protect
      - SmoothTweak:  brightness, hue1, hue2
      - SmoothCurve:  Ycurve, Ucurve, Vcurve
      - SmoothCustom: Yexpr, Uexpr, Vexpr
      - SmoothTools:  *

    For example: SmoothCurve("0-255;128-128;255-0") --> SmoothCurve16("0-65535;32768-32768;65535-0")

[edit] MultiThreading

SmoothAdjust is internally multithreaded with official Avisynth version. If AviSynthPlus or AviSynthMT is detected, internal multithreading is automatically disabled even if external multithreading isn't used (this can be reactivated in parameters).

SmoothAdjust is designed to work with external multithreading, so fastest MT mode can be used. With AviSynthPlus, this plugin is a MT_NICE_FILTER (automatic register, no need to call SetFilterMtMode). With AviSynthMT, SetMtMode(1) must be called before SmoothAdjust.

[edit] Examples


[edit] Changelog

  - v3.20: updated for Avs v2.6.0 final
           fixed AVX2 crash with Win7 without SP1

  - v3.00: dropped Avs v2.5.x support
           added AVX2 code (10% faster)
           modified plugin to be thread-safe (MT_NICE_FILTER)

  - v2.95: fixed minor things
           tweaked multi-threading code

  - v2.90: fixed possible freeze in MT code
           added explicit error messages

  - v2.85: fixed bugs inside multi-threading code
           removed user32 dependency
           added AVX2 detection (for future opt)

  - v2.80: used new C++11 features
           rewritten multi-threading (native)
           speed optimization (40% faster)
           exception-safe code
           added a high quality interpolation mode
           changed some parameter names
           fixed bugs in SmoothTools parser

  - v2.62: fixed minor things & bugs
           dropped ICL builds support

  - v2.60: used new interface for v2.6.x builds

  - v2.55: added small optimizations

  - v2.51: fixed crash in SmoothCurve

  - v2.50: added SmoothTools
           improved SmoothTweak
           improved dithering
           tweaked memory usage
           tweaked multithreading
           cleaned various stuff

  - v2.00: added Avisynth 2.6.x support
           added Y8, YV411, YV16, YV24 support
           added 16bits support with stacked MSB/LSB
           added SmoothCustom filter
           added TVrange parameter
           added AVX optimization

           improved smoothing algorithm
           improved debug view
           improved startup delay
           improved speed with smoothing OFF

           added decimals support in SmoothCurve
           fixed interp scaling in SmoothCurve
           changed defaults in SmoothLevels
           fixed gamma clamping bug in SmoothLevels

           fixed crash with mod4 clip 
           fixed freeze in debug view
           deleted Smode parameter
           switched from ICL11 to ICL12
           cleaned a lot the code
           updated the documentation

  - v1.74: updated preset="tv2pc" & preset="pc2tv"
           fixed a bug in smoothing algorithm

  - v1.70: added curve in debug mode for SmoothLevels

  - v1.68: improved multithreading

  - v1.64: fixed cache problem with UV planes

  - v1.62: fixed crash with misaligned clip
           added MOD2 support

  - v1.60: improved startup time
           fixed MOD4 error message
           tweaked various things
           added ICC11 build

  - v1.56: added SSSE3 code
           changed CPU detection routine

  - v1.52: added SSE2 code (Smode=1 is 2x faster & Smode=2 is 3x faster)
           added useopt parameter

  - v1.46: tweaked smoothing code
           removed useless Smode=1 & Smode=2
           prepared support for YV16 & YV24 in Avisynth 2.6.x
           switched from VS2008 to VS2010

  - v1.44: added screenW & screenH for debugview
           fixed a bug in font drawing
           cleaned code

  - v1.40: added debugview (see show=true)

  - v1.30: fixed a bug in spline interpolation
           cleaned various stuff

  - v1.26: Smode=3 is now the default (instead of Smode=1)
           tweaked smoothing sensitivity
           updated documentation about Smode

  - v1.24: added new interpolation mode for SmoothCurve (see interp)

  - v1.18: tweaked Smode 3 & 4
           updated avisynth header

  - v1.16: replaced Smode 3 & 4 with stronger smoothing function
           changed minors things

  - v1.02: added x64 build
           fixed a bug in SmoothLevels

  - v1.00: first public release

[edit] Archived Downloads

Version Download Mirror
v3.20 SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z

[edit] External Links

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