From Avisynth wiki
How did you animate that before-and-after image?
I can't figure it out.
Raffriff42 18:46, 16 September 2015 (CEST)
It's an Animated PNG created with AviSynth and VirtualDub APNG Mod. Below is the script I used, Loop=delay and AssumeFPS=speed, load the script and save to apng. I chose to to it this way because not all browsers support apng. If a apng is not supported by the browser (for example Chrome) then the user just get a side-by-side comparison. I could of used GIF but the quality is limited. Reel.Deal 19:39, 16 September 2015 (CEST)
# Single frame RGB32 source o = last.Loop(25) # Processing o2 = o.ChannelMixer() # Combine Left = o.Subtitle("Before") ++ o2.Subtitle("After") Right = o2.Subtitle("After") ++ o.Subtitle("Before") Stack = StackHorizontal(Left, Right) # Output Return (Stack.AssumeFPS(30))
You can probably do more advanced stuff with APNG Assembler or APNG Anime Maker. I also used APNG Optimizer. Reel.Deal 19:55, 16 September 2015 (CEST)
- ...Ahh, I was confused because I would click on the image and didn't see any animation! What I did not realize was that I was seeing a JPG "thumbnail!"
- This flipping effect is a good demo technique! Will make a note of it!
- Raffriff42 21:13, 16 September 2015 (CEST)