From Avisynth wiki
Re: behavior for invalid preset files - the following is probably true:
If SuperEQ encounters an error in the preset file, all bands after the invalid line will be set to the last valid decibel value;
but if the file can not be parsed at all, all bands may be set to +20 dB.
but I have not tested it very much.
Raffriff42 17:56, 16 September 2015 (CEST)
I guess i need to run it through a debugger to verify the above. I can't make sense of the code itself.
I see code like 'my_eq.bands[n] = ((-readval)+20);'. Indicating that the first band in Loudness.feq (4dB is changed to 16dB).
It's probably my misunderstanding.
Anyway a couple of things are still missing:
- 1) definition of equalization. I guess here it means:
- Since equalizers, "adjust the amplitude of audio signals at particular frequencies," they are, "in other words, frequency-specific volume knobs (source: Seems to apply here too (well at frequency bands instead of particular frequencies).
- 2) Why are the bands (1-18) chosen the way they are. Guess we need to ask Sh0dan. I see that indeed the lower frequencies of the bands are C notes, and the higher frequencies F# notes (see and So they are spaced half an octave (sqrt(2)) apart. Why? Does this make sense?
- 3) About your pictures (the white noise examples): Why does a value of 0dB in a band correspond with -44dB in the spectrum analysis?
- 4) The lowest bands C-1, C0 and C1 are missing (same for F#). Why?
Admin 01:12, 19 September 2015 (CEST)