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Author Chikuzen
Version 2016/01/24
Download mt_yrangemask.avsi
Category Masking



AviSynth script to create a mask by specifying the range of the brightness.
mt_yrangemask is a script implementation of the old YRangeMask plugin by Putin. The script version is much faster and supports additional colorspaces.


Required Plugins

Latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise.

Syntax and Parameters

mt_yrangemask (clip , int "min_y", int "fade_min_y", int "max_y", int "fade_max_y", bool "invert")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  min_y = 0
Minimum threshold.

int  fade_min_y = 0
How many minimum pixels to fade.

int  max_y = 0
Maximum threshold.

int  fade_max_y = 0
How many maximum pixels to fade.

bool  invert = false
Set to true to invert the mask.


function mt_yrangemask(clip clip, int "min_y", int "fade_min_y", int "max_y", int "fade_max_y", bool "invert")
    assert(clip.IsPlanar(), "clip is not planar format")
    min = default(min_y, 0)
    max = default(max_y, 0)
    assert(min >= 0 || min < 256 || max < 256, "Specify in the range from 0 to 255")
    assert(min <= max, "min_y must be less than or equal to max_y")
    fmin = default(fade_min_y, 0)
    fmax = default(fade_max_y, 0)
    assert((fmin + fmax) <= (max - min), "'fade_min_y + fade_max_y' should be less than or equal to 'max_y - min_y'")

    min = string(min - 1)
    max = string(max + 1)
    fmin = string(fmin + 1)
    fmax = string(fmax)
    invert = default(invert, false)

    #expr = 255 / (x < max - fmax ? fmin / (x - min) : (fmax + 1) / (max - x))
    #expr = invert ? 255 - expr : expr
    expr = "255 / (x < " + max  + " - " + fmax + " ? " + fmin + " / (x - " + min + ") : (" + fmax + " + 1) / (" + max + " - x))"
    expr = (invert ? "255 - " : "") + expr

    return clip.mt_lut(mt_polish(expr), chroma="0")


Masked areas and the effect of the fade parameters.
Note: illustration was taken from YRangeMask docs.
1) mt_yrangemask(min_y=16, fade_min_y=0, max_y=80, fade_max_y=0)
2) mt_yrangemask(min_y=16, fade_min_y=4, max_y=80, fade_max_y=16)


Another example:

 BlankClip(length=10000, width=1920, height=1080, pixel_type="YV12")
 mt_lutspa(mode="relative", expr="x 256 *", chroma="128")

 mt_yrangemask(min_y=16, fade_min_y=4, max_y=80, fade_max_y=16, invert=true)


Version      Date            Changes
2016/01/24 - mt_yrangemask: MaskTools2 script reimplementation by Chikuzen v0.03 2012/06/02 - ? v0.02 2012/05/28 - ? v0.01 2012/05/01 - initial release

Archived Downloads

  • Note: YRangeMask is an AviSynth 2.5 closed source plugin. Not recommended! The script implementation is faster and supports additional colorspaces.
Version Download
v0.03 yrangemask003.rar
v0.02 yrangemask002.rar

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