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Author AmjadSONY
Version v1.78
Download ASTDR.avsi
Category Rainbow & Dot Crawl Removal
Discussion Doom9 Thread



ASTDR - A Spatio-Temporal DeRainbowing function. ASTDRmc is a motion-compensated variant that helps avoid chroma bleeding in moving scenes.


Required Plugins

Latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise.

ASTDRmc requires a few more plugins: MVTools and TEMmod if you're using AviSynth 2.6 or TEdgeMask for 2.5.

Syntax and Parameters

ASTDR (clip input, int "strength", int "tempsoftth", int "tempsoftrad", int "tempsoftsc", float "blstr", int "tht", int "FluxStv", int "dcn", bool "edgem", bool "exmc", clip "edgemprefil", bool "nomask")
ASTDRmc (clip input, int "strength", int "tempsoftth", int "tempsoftrad", int "tempsoftsc", float "blstr", int "tht", int "FluxStv", int "dcn", bool "edgem", int "thSAD", clip "prefil", bool "chroma", clip "edgemprefil", bool "nomask")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  strength = 5
hqdn3d's cs and ct parameters.

int  tempsoftth = 30
int  tempsoftrad = 3
int  tempsoftsc = 3
TemporalSoften's chroma_threshold, radius, and scenechange parameters.

float  blstr = 0.5
Blur strength.

int  tht = 255
mt_motion's thT parameter.

int  FluxStv = 75
FluxSmoothST's temporal_threshold and spatial_threshold parameters.

int  dcn = 15
DeCross' Noise parameter.

bool  edgem = false
Set to true to use an edge mask.


ASTDR with default settings:

ASTDR(strength=5, tempsoftth=30, tempsoftrad=3, tempsoftsc=3, blstr=0.5, tht=255, FluxStv=75, dcn=15, edgem=false)


Version         Date(D/M/Y)      Changes
v1.76 11/07/2019 - [1] v1.75 15/08/2018 - [2] v1.74 11/11/2017 - [3] v1.72 07/11/2017 - [4] v1.61 02/01/2017 - [5] v1.59 01/01/2017 - [6] v1.53 06/10/2016 - [7] v1.52 25/01/2016 - [8] v1.51 07/06/2015 - [9] v1.50 10/05/2015 - [10] v1.49 27/04/2015 - [11] [12] v1.47 22/12/2014 - [13] v1.45 21/12/2014 - [14] v1.4 21/12/2014 - [15] v1.2 04/02/2014 - [16] v1.0 04/02/2014 - [17] Initial release

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