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Up-to-date documentation:
Merge the audio channels of two or more clips.
There is no mixing of channels – MixAudio and ConvertToMono do this. The channels are added to the new clip unchanged.
MergeChannels(clip clip1, clip clip2 [, clip clip3, ...] )
Output video, framerate and running time are taken from clip1.
All audio is converted to the sample type of clip1.
For example, given the following source clips:
- A (mono)
- B (mono)
...and merging them:
MergeChannels(A, B)
Results in a clip with the following properties:
- video = A
- audio channel 1 = A
- audio channel 2 = B
This is equivalent to using MonoToStereo.
For a more complex example, given the following source clips:
- A and B (stereo)
- C and D (mono)
...and merging them:
MergeChannels(A, B, C, D)
Results in a clip with the following properties:
- video = A
- audio channel 1 = A channel 1
- audio channel 2 = A channel 2
- audio channel 3 = B channel 1
- audio channel 4 = B channel 2
- audio channel 5 = C
- audio channel 6 = D