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Author Gavino & mikeytown2
Version v0.26
Category Levels and Chroma
License GPLv2



Avisynth plugin to mimic the Gimp's Color Balance tool.


- AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
- Progressive input only
- Supported color formats: RGB24, RGB32
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

Syntax and Parameters

ColorBalance (clip, float "rs", float "gs", float "bs", float "rm", float "gm", float "bm", float "rh", float "gh", float "bh", bool "keep_luma", bool "clone_gimp", bool "highcolor")

rs float = 0.0
gs float = 0.0
bs float = 0.0
Red, Green, and Blue shadows.
Range: -100.0 - 100.0

rm float = 0.0
gm float = 0.0
bm float = 0.0
Red, Green, and Blue midtones.
Range: -100.0 - 100.0

rh float = 0.0
gh float = 0.0
bh float = 0.0
Red, Green, and Blue highlights.
Range: -100.0 - 100.0

keep_luma bool = true
keep_luma corresponds to Gimp's 'Preserve Luminosity'.
This option ensures that brightness of the active layer or selection is maintained.
The value of the brightest pixels are not changed.

clone_gimp bool = true
If set to false, ColorBalance will behave like CinePaint.

highcolor bool = false
Do not use! Was meant to do internally process at 16-bit but was never finished.




v0.1 (Gavino, 26th August 2008):
  - initial code based on Gimp

v0.2 (Mikeytown2, 27th August 2008):
 - Added preserve luminosity from Gimp & got rid of all warnings in MS VC++ 2005

v0.21 (Mikeytown2, 27th August 2008):
 - Code Cleanup (tidy & logic(min,max)); Got rid of all if's from loops; Gimp support functions not in the ColorBalance class.

v0.22 (Mikeytown2, 28th August 2008):
 - Bug with rounding in preserve_luminosity code, casts to int for now, avoiding pixels with color blowout.

v0.23 (Mikeytown2, 28th August 2008):
 - More speed, doubles are now floats

v0.24 (Mikeytown2, 28th August 2008):
 - scaled preserve_luminosity code by 64 (256*64=16384; 360*64=23040)
 - changed (float) to f; thanks for the tip IanB!

v0.25 (Mikeytown2, 4th September 2008):
 - added in broken 16bit code
 - added an option to switch between gimp's and cinepaint's behavior.

v0.26 (Mikeytown2, 5th September 2008):
 - fixed error with clone_gimp's default value - Thanks Gavino


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