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Author tritical
Version v0.9.4
Download nnedi3.zip
Category Deinterlacing
  • YUY2
  • YV12
License GPLv2



nnedi3 is an intra-field only deinterlacer. It takes in a frame, throws away one field, and then interpolates the missing pixels using only
information from the kept field. It has samerate and double rate modes, and works with YV12, YUY2, and RGB24 input. nnedi3 is also
very good for enlarging images by powers of 2, and includes a function 'nnedi3_rpow2' for that purpose.


- AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
- Supported color formats: RGB24, YUY2, YV12


Filter Description Color format


RGB24, YUY2, YV12

Upscale image by the power of 2.

RGB24, YUY2, YV12


Version      Date            Changes
v0.9.4 06/10/2011 + some more optimizations + more aggressive new prescreener levels
v0.9.3 06/06/2011 + added new prescreener. Changed 'pscrn' parameter from bool to integer. + added 'etype' parameter and merged abs/squared weights into one binary
v0.9.2 09/22/2010 + clean up and release source code + speed improvements - (thanks Loren Merritt - akupenguin - for many ideas and code) int16 dot products in prescreener/predictor neural networks faster exp function approximation mean removal factored into weights lots of smaller changes + new prediction nn weights for certain nsize/nns combinations + added fapprox parameter - fixed bug with border mirroring - dropped support for sse/mmx - all asm code requires sse2. changed opt parameter accordingly.
v0.9.1 07/15/2010 + add nsize=5/6 (16x4,32x4) + add nns=0 (16 neurons). nns 0/1/2/3 from v0.9 are now 1/2/3/4. - new defaults. nnedi3: nsize=6,nns=1. nnedi3_rpow2: nns=3. - fix field=0/1 flipped with rgb24 input
v0.9 06/10/2009 + First official release - adds nns=0 (32 neurons). nns 0/1/2 from previous beta are now 1/2/3. - adds nsize=4 (8x4). - different nns/nsize defaults for nnedi3_rpow2() vs nnedi3() - change setcachehints call

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