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Get source clip and prepare special "super" clip with multilevel (hierarchical scaled) frames data. The super clip is used by both MAnalyse and motion compensation (client) functions.
For storing and transferring its parameters we use audio properties of super clip (specifically, num_audio_samples) as a trick. So, audio is killed in super clip.
That is one of reasons why we additionally use a source clip with client functions. You may have a look at the super clip yourself (it has normal format).

Syntax and Parameters

MSuper (clip, int "hpad", int "vpad", int "pel", int "levels", bool "chroma", int "sharp", int "rfilter", clip "pelclip", bool "isse", bool "planar")

int  hpad = 8
Horizontal padding added to source frame (both left and right). Small padding is added for more correct motion estimation near frame borders.

int  vpad = 8
Vertical padding added to source frame (both top and bottom). Small padding is added for more correct motion estimation near frame borders.

int  pel = 2
It is the accuracy of the motion estimation. Value can only be 1, 2 or 4.
  • 1 : means precision to the pixel.
  • 2 : means precision to half a pixel.
  • 4 : means precision to quarter of a pixel, produced by spatial interpolation (more accurate but slower and not always better due to big level scale step).

int  levels = 0
It is the number of hierarchical levels in super clip frames. MAnalyse needs all levels, but for other client functions single finest level is enough (courser levels are not used).
Default : 0 (auto, all possible levels are produced).

bool  chroma = true
If set to true, it allows to prepare chroma planes too in superclip. (false - luma only).

int  sharp = 2
Subpixel interpolation method for pel=2,4.
  • 0 : use for soft interpolation (bilinear).
  • 1 : bicubic interpolation (4 tap Catmull-Rom)
  • 2 : 2 for sharper Wiener interpolation (6 tap, similar to Lanczos).

int  rfilter = 2
Hierarchical levels smoothing and reducing (halving) filter.
  • 0 : simple 4 pixels averaging like unfiltered SimpleResize (old method)
  • 1 : triangle (shifted) filter like ReduceBy2 for more smoothing (decrease aliasing)
  • 2 : triangle filter like BilinearResize for even more smoothing
  • 3 : quadratic filter for even more smoothing
  • 4 : cubic filter like BicubicResize(b=1,c=0) for even more smoothing
You may also try to apply some external filter to superclip or its coarse bottom part (by appropriate crop and overlay).

clip  pelclip =
Optional upsampled source clip for using instead of internal subpixel interpolation (for pel>1).
Pixels at rows and colunms positions multiple to pel (0,2,4,... for pel=2) (without padding) must be original source pixels, other pixels must be interpolated.
Example for pel=2: LanczosResize(width*2,height*2,src_left=0.25, src_top=0.25).
Recent note: it is true for luma, but is not exactly corresponded to chroma pixels positions of internal MVTools interpolation.
Nevertheless vectors and motion compensation are quite similar for usual clips, same chroma would be with src_left=0.5 for YUY2 and additionally src_top=0.5 for YV12).
Other useful example is eedi3 edge-directed resampler.

bool  isse = true
Flag which allows to enable (if set to True) or disable (if set to False) ISSE, MMX and other CPU optimizations (for debugging).
Default is True. If your processor doesn't support CPU optimizations, it will be disabled anyway (and you won't be able to activate them).

bool  planar = false
Flag to use special planar color format for YUY2 clips both for input and output of function. It uses special trick for storing of frames with planar color data organization (separate Y, U, V planes in memory) in normal interleaved YUY2 frames format as a container. This way we can avoid numerous internal interleaved to planar conversions and increase speed. You can convert normal interleaved YUY2 source clip to planar format with Interleaved2planar function from RemoveGrain plugin by kassandro, and convert final result by Planar2interleaved function. This special planar YUY2 format is also supported by Removegrain plugin by Kassandro, MaskTools2 plugin by Manao and some others. This parameter is ignored for YV12 clips. Note: super clip is always planar. Default is planar=false.


MSuper with default values.


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