From Avisynth wiki
Abstract | |
Author | Kassandro |
Version | v0.1 |
Download | VericalCleaner.rar |
Category | Spatial Denoisers |
License | GPLv2 |
Contents |
- A fast vertical median plugin which comes in 4 versions:
Name Comments VerticalCleanerS.dll Statically linked SSE version. VerticalCleaner.dll Dynamically linked SSE version. VerticalCleanerSSE2.dll Dynamically linked SSE2 version. VerticalCleanerSSE2.dll Dynamically linked SSE3 version. [NOT RECOMMENDED] *VerticalCleanerSSE2.dll is highly recommended as it's considered to be the most compatible and stable.
- - AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
- - Progressive input only
- - Supported color formats: YUY2, YV12
Syntax and Parameters
- VerticalCleaner (clip, int "mode", bool "planar")
- int mode = 2
- Modes:
- 0 : copy input
- 1 : vertical median
- 2 : relaxed vertical median (preserves more detail)
- Modes:
- int mode = 2
- Description of mode 2:
- Let b1, b2, c, t1, t2 be a vertical sequence of pixels. The center pixel c is to be modified in terms of the 4 neighbours.
- For simplicity let us assume that b2 <= t1. Then in mode 1, c is clipped with respect to b2 and t1, i.e. c is replaced by max(b2, min(c, t1)).
- In mode 2 the clipping intervall is widened, i.e. mode 2 is more conservative than mode 1.
- If b2 > b1 and t1 > t2, then c is replaced by max(b2, min(c, max(t1,d1) )), where d1 = min(b2 + (b2 - b1), t1 + (t1 - t2)).
- In other words, only if the gradient towards the center is positive on both clipping ends, then the upper clipping bound may be larger.
- If b2 < b1 and t1 < t2, then c is replaced by max(min(b2, d2), min(c, t1)), where d2 = max(b2 - (b1 - b2), t1 - (t2 - t1)).
- In other words, only if the gradient towards the center is negative on both clipping ends, then the lower clipping bound may be smaller.
- In mode 1 the top and the bottom line are always left unchanged. In mode 2 the two first and the two last lines are always left unchanged.
- Description of mode 2:
- bool planar = false
- See SSETools Interleaved2Planar.
- bool planar = false
VerticalCleaner with default values:
AviSource("Blah.avi") VerticalCleaner(mode=2, planar=false)
2008-02-28 : - Initial release
- VideoProcessing Forum - Parameter description by Kassandro.
- VideoProcessing Forum - Mode 2 explanation by Kassandro.
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