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Author Tom Barry, Fizick
Version v.
Category Spatio-temporal denoisers
License GPLv2
Discussion Doom9 Thread

Doom9 Thread 2



STMedianFilter is a (slightly motion compensated) spatial/temporal median filter. It fairly very fine grained, using only adjacent pixels in space and time, so it looks at the adjacent 26 locations to filter each location.


  • AviSynth 2.5.8 or later
  • Supported color formats: YUY2, YV12

Syntax and Parameters

STMedianFilter (clip, int, int, int, int)

clip   =
Input clip; only luma will be processed.
int   =
S_FilterThreshHold: don't spatial filter pixel if it would change it more than this. Larger values may cause loss of fine line detail but it's not extremely sensitive.
int   =
S_EdgeThreshHold: don't spatial filter pixel if on an edge where vals change more than this. It seems fairly forgiving, so it can be raised a lot if desired.
int   =
T_FilterThreshHold: don't temporal filter pixel if it would change it more than this. Large values will cause ghosting. Don't set over 5-10 to avoid ghosting.
int   =
T_MotionThreshHold: don't temporal filter pixel if uncompensated motion vals change more than this. Don't set over about 10 to avoid ghosting.

  • S and T above stand for spatial and temporal, respectively.
  • Valid values for each are from 0 to 255. Larger values cause more filtering but more artifacts.
  • Note: all parameters are unnamed and do not have a default so they must be specified.


A good starting point:

STMedianFilter(8,15,4,7) # (S_FilterThreshHold, S_EdgeThreshHold, T_FilterThreshHold, T_MotionThreshHold) 

Method of Operation

But if I understand it right a simple median filter is just a clipping step where a value is set to not extend past the high and low of its neighbors.

For instance, if you had 3 pixels in a row that had the values <5,8,7> you could clip the center one to not be outside the low of 5 or the high of 7,so you would set it to 7.

Now imagine you had a small 3x3 video screen, like one surface of a Rubik's cube. Imagine the previous frame was the bottom layer of the cube, the current frame was the middle layer, and the next frame was the top.

Then the current center pixel would be right in the center of the Rubik's cube and there would be 13 ways you could draw a line through it and a pair of two nearest neighbors.

What I did was to compare each of those pairs of neighbors to see which pair was most agreeing on value. I used that pair to clip the value of the center pixel.

I also clipped the pixel value only if both:

  1. It would not change the pixel value by more then the FilterThreshold parm value, and
  2. The amount of 'uncompensated motion' (agreement on value by neighbors) was less than the MotionThreshHold parm value.


Version       Date            Changes
v0.1.0.3 2004/08/19 - Released by Fizick 2005/01/30 - Fixed bug with spatial filter radius for YV12 v0.1.0.2 2004/08/10 - by Fizick - not public - Fix one main bug (for both YUY2 and YV12 modes): in all previous versions light pixels were not filtered, both S_EdgeThreshHold and T_MotionThreshHold did not work also. v0.1.0.1 2003/06/22 - Fix bug affecting YV12 only v0.1.0.0 2003/01/22 - Remove chroma filtering again. Add YV12 support. Use Pluginit2 - Also remove Horizontal parms, add them to spatial. - Hopefully fix purple tint. v0.0.3.0 2002/08/03 - Add some chroma filtering v0.0.2.0 2002/08/03 - Bugs, Split out spatial, Temporal, Horizontal user parms v0.0.1.0 2002/08/02 - Initial test release

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