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Revision as of 19:55, 21 April 2017 by Raffriff42 (Talk | contribs)
AVS+ |
This feature is specific to AviSynthPlus. It is not supported in other AviSynth versions. |
Contents |
Syntax and Parameters
[string planes, string source_planes, string pixel_type, clip sample_clip ] )
CombinePlanes(clip, clip,
[string planes, string source_planes, string pixel_type, clip sample_clip ] )
CombinePlanes(clip, clip, clip,
[string planes, string source_planes, string pixel_type, clip sample_clip ] )
CombinePlanes(clip, clip, clip, clip,
[string planes, string source_planes, string pixel_type, clip sample_clip ] )
- clip =
- Source clip(s). At least one is required. Up to four clips are accepted.
- Each clip defines a color plane in the output, as defined by the planes and source_planes arguments.
- If the clip count is less than the given planes defined, then the last available clip is used as a source for all later planes.
- string planes = ""
- The target plane order (e.g. "YVU", "YYY", "RGB"); missing target planes will be undefined in the target.
- string source_planes = "YUVA" or "RGBA"
- The source plane order, defaulting to "YUVA" or "RGBA" depending on the video format.
- Source clips can even be mixed from greyscale, YUV, YUVA or planar RGB(A) — the only rule being that the relevant source plane character should match with the clip format, respectively.
- string pixel_type =
- Set color format of the returned clip. Supports all AVS+ color formats.
- clip sample_clip =
- If supplied, output pixel_type will match that of sample_clip.
#combine greyscale clips into YUVA clip U8 = source.UToY8() V8 = source.VToY8() Y8 = source.ConvertToY() A8 = source.AddAlphaPlane(128).AToY8() CombinePlanes(Y8, U8, V8, A8, planes="YUVA", source_planes="YYYY", \ sample_clip=source) #pixel_type="YUV444P8"
# Copy planes between planar RGB(A) and YUV(A) without any conversion # yuv 4:4:4 <-> planar rgb source = last.ConvertBits(32) # 4:4:4 cast_to_planarrgb = CombinePlanes(source, planes="RGB", source_planes="YUV", \ pixel_type="RGBPS") # get back a clip identical with "source" cast_to_yuv = CombinePlanes(cast_to_planarrgb, planes="YUV", source_planes="RGB", \ pixel_type="YUV444PS")
#create a black and white planar RGB clip using Y channel #source is a YUV clip grey = CombinePlanes(source, planes="RGB", source_planes="YYY", \ pixel_type="RGBP8")
#copy luma from one clip, U and V from another #source is the template #sourceY is a Y or YUV clip #sourceUV is a YUV clip grey = CombinePlanes(sourceY, sourceUV, planes="YUV", \ source_planes="YUV", sample_clip = source)
20161110 | first added |