
Flowerpot generates multi colored glowing embers in parabolic trajectories from given x and y coordinates resembling Flower Pot Fire Works (as popularly known in India).The x and y coordinates may be varied linearly during transition by specifying different values for initial and end coordinates. The initial horizontal spread of the flowers will be -rise/4 to +rise/4 around x coordinate. The Zoom parameter approximates the flower pot nearing or moving away in Z direction (effectively varies rise from frame to frame). Value of 100 keeps it constant. Any value less than 100 apparently moves source away while higher than 100 brings it closer. Even though parameters are checked to ensure visibility of the flowers, due to combined effect of parameter variations, they may go out of frame (not visible). Experiment with parameters for desired result. Preferably duration be 4 sec or more to visulise properly. RGB YUY2 and Planar 8/9-16/32 bit depth formats are supported. Thread safe.

Details of parameters
Description Name Type Limits Default
clip clip none
start frame number sf Integer within clip first frame
end frame number ef Integer within clip last frame
initial x coordinate of source x integer to ensure visibilty of fireworks mid frame width
Initial y coordinate of source y integer ensure visibility frame height
Maximum rise of fire rise integer reasonable value frame height
Floor Y coordinate below which flowerss will not fall yfloor integer always more than y - rise inity
end x coordinate of source ex integer to ensure visibilty of fireworks x
end y coordinate of source ey integer ensure visibility y
zoom %age at end. (initial is 100) zoom integer 10 to 400 100

#Usage examples:-
Flowerpot(last,51,190, 0,300,300,400,400,200,50)
Flowerpot (last,51,190,300,yfloor=300)
Flowerpot (last,51,190,100,200, rise=80, zoom=300)
Flowerpot (last,51,190)
Flowerpot (last,2,240, x=80,ex=400, y=580, ey=30)

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