About 26 functions are in this package of special effects. These effects are created on the input clip in the range of the frame numbers specified. The Audio is not affected. A brief description of these functions are in the synopsis. Links are provided to transfer to the full description pages. All functions are thread safe. RGB, YUY2 and Planar 8/ 9-16/ 32 bit depth color formats are supported.
The first three parameters are identical for all the functions excepting RearViewMirror and TVLook. These are
1. Clip
2. Start Frame Number sf defaults to first frame of clip
3. End Frame Number ef defaults to last frame of clip
TVLook does not have starting and ending frame parameters.
Some effectss if used one over other can give unexpected interesting results. The fireworks, pool, ripples and bubbles functions can be better appreciated with about 4 sec or more(may be few minutes) of input frames.
# use either an image or color bars or a video as input imagereader("C:\..............jpg", end = 200) #some effects are not seen clearly on colorbars #colorbars() #trim(1,200) # #converttoYUY2() #converttoYV12() #converttoY8() #converttoY() #converttoYV16() converttoYV24() #ConvertToPlanarRGB() #ConvertToPlanarRGBA() #converttoRGB32() #converttoRGB24() #ConvertBits(10) #ConvertBits(12) #ConvertBits(14) #ConvertBits(16) #ConvertBits(32) #converttoRGB48() #converttoRGB64() #ConvertToYUV420() #ConvertToYUV422 #ConvertToYUV444 #ConvertToYUV411 i = invert() out = swirl().subtitle(" S W I R L",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + sunflower(radius = 200).subtitle(" S U N F L O W E R",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + TVlook(i,last, elx = 600, ety = 400, col = $ff0000, hq = false, pal = true, cab = $f00).subtitle(" T V L O O K",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + spotlight(radius = 80,x=0, y=0,ex=600,ey=400,color = $7f7f7f).subtitle(" S P O T L I G H T",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + sparkler(radius = 80, x = 0, ex = 600).subtitle(" S P A R L K E R",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + snowstorm().subtitle(" S N O W S T O R M ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + snowflakes().subtitle(" S N O W F L A K E S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + rockets().subtitle(" R O C K E T S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + ripples(lambda = 16, amp = 4).subtitle(" R I P P L E S",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + rainbow(rad = 80, erad = 300).subtitle(" R A I N B O W",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + RearViewMirror( i).subtitle(" R E A R V I E W M I R R O R",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + pool().subtitle(" P O O L ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + plasma( plasma = 1, pallet = 1, speed = 1, width = 400, height = 400).subtitle(" P L A S M A ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + LineMagnifier( type = "hor", xy = 2, exy =400, mag = 6, lwidth = 160, simple = false).subtitle(" L I N E M A G N I F I E R ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + LineMagnifier( type = "vert", xy = 2, exy =400, mag = 6, lwidth = 160, simple = true).subtitle(" L I N E M A G N I F I E R ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + lens(radius = 100, x = 0, ex = 600, mag = 2, drop = true).subtitle(" L E N S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + fog(startfog=10, endfog = 90, density = 70).subtitle(" F O G ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + flowerpot( x = 0, ex = 600).subtitle(" F L O W E R P O T ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + flashes().subtitle(" F L A S H E S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + fire(decay = 4.01, style = false).subtitle(" F I R E ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + distort().subtitle(" D I S T O R T ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) a = DiscoLights(flick = 1, style = "converge", minrad = 12) a = a +DiscoLights(flick = 1, style = "diverge", nspots = 20) a = a +DiscoLights(flick = 1, style = "random") out = out + a.subtitle(" D I S C O L I G H T S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) c = conez(type = "hor", base = 300, top = 20, shade = 50) c = c + conez(c,type = "vert", base = 20, top = 250, shade = -50, bkgrnd = c) out = out +c.subtitle(" C O N E Z ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + bubbles().subtitle(" B U B B L E S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + binoculars(sx = 10, sy =400, ex = 400,ey = 10, magx = 2, emagx = 6, radius = 30).subtitle(" B I N O C U L A R S ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) out = out + balloon( sx = 10,color = $f72354, opacity = 20,radius = 80,nhops = 3,refl = 70, light = "frame", lightx = 300, lighty = 200).subtitle(" B A L L O O N ",text_color=0,align=5,size=32) last = out # following 2 lines are required as vdub can not play all formats ConvertBits(8) converttoRGB24() return (last) prefetch(6)
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