
Rain adds rain to the image. The rain can be light, medium, heavy, increasing from light to heavy or decreasing from heavy to light. The color of rain can be selected . The direction of rain can be varied left to right or right to left or kept constant. . RGB, YUY2 and Planar 8/9-16/32 bit depth formats are supported. Thread Safe

Details of parameters
Description Name Type Limits Default
clip clip none
start frame number sf Integer within clip first frame
end frame number ef Integer within clip last frame
type of rain type string "heavy", "med", "light", "inc", "dec" "med"
rain color in RRGGBB format color integer 0 to 0xFFFFFF 7f7f7f
variation in direction of rain fall vary string "l2r" "r2l", "l2v" "r2v" v2r" v2l" "constl" "constv" "constr" "l2r"
initial %age opacity of rain opq integer 1 to 100 30
end %age opacity of rain eopq integer 1 to 100 70

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