
Rainbow adds a rainbow to the image centered at the specified coordinates and with a given radius. The center coordinates and radius can be linearly varied during the effect by specifying the end coordinates and radius. Left and right cut off of rainbow display can be specified and varied during . (these cutoffs were introduced as an user wanted these to block the rainbow due to buildings). RGB YUY2 and Planar 8/9-16/32 bit depth color formats are supported.Thread Safe.

Details of parameters
Description Name Type Limits Default
clip clip none
start frame number sf Integer within clip first frame
end frame number ef Integer within clip last frame
radius of rainbow at start rad integer 60 or more 1/2 of frame height
x coordinate of rainbow center at start x integer ensure rainbow part is seen mid frame
y coordinate of rainbow center at start y integer ensure rainbow part is seen mid frame
radius of rainbow at end erad integer 60 or more rad
x coordinate of rainbow center atend ex integer ensure rainbow part is seen x
y coordinate of rainbow center at end ey integer ensure rainbow part is seen y
x cut off, left of which rainbow will not be seen at start xleft integer within frame 0
x cut off, right of which rainbow will not be seen at start xright integer more than xleft and within frame frame width
x cut off, left of which rainbow will not be seen at end exleft integer within frame xleft
x cut off, right of which rainbow will not be seen at end exright integer more than endxleft and within frame xright

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