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Author *.mp4 guy
Version v0.1
Download blah script
Category Sharpeners
Discussion Doom9 Thread



blah; a sharpening function.


Required Plugins

Latest version of the following plugins are recommended unless stated otherwise.

Syntax and Parameters

Defaults are intended for strong sharpening on 2x upscaled material. For normal sharpening, set de to 0.02, str to 3 and cstr to 0.75 and go from there. The failure modes are as graceful as I can reasonably get them, considering the strength of the sharpening required. Also, the degree of sharpening that can be "gotten away with" varies pretty wildly by source.

blah (clip c, int "str", int "strv", int "strh", float "de", float "dev", float "deh", float "re", float "rev", float "reh", float "cstr", float "cstrv", float "cstrh")

clip   =
Input clip

int  str = 4
int  strv = str
intt  strh = str
  • str = strength of highpass sharpening default 4
  • strv = vertical version of str defaults to str
  • strh = horizontal version of str defaults to str

float  de = 0.2
float  dev = de
float  deh = de
  • de = de-emphasis strength default 0.2
  • dev = vertical version of de defaults to de
  • deh = horizontal version of de defaults to de

float  re = de/2
float  rev = re
float  reh = re
  • re = re-emphasis strength defaults to de/2
  • rev = vertical version of re defaults to re
  • reh = horizontal version of re defaults to re

float  cstr = 0.5
float  cstrv = cstr
float  cstrh = cstr
  • cstr = strength of contrast sharpening default 0.5, values above 1.0 will cause halos
  • cstrv = vertical version of cstr defaults to cstr
  • cstrh = horizontal version of cstr defaults to cstr


blah with default settings:

blah(str=4, strv=4, strh=4, de=0.2, dev=0.2, deh=0.2, re=0.1, rev=0.1, reh=0.1, cstr=0.5, cstrv=0.5, cstrh=0.5)


Version         Date(D/M/Y)      Changes
v0.1 10/06/2010 - Changed non-linear lowpass function, new one should be generally more consistent v0.0 09/06/2010 - Initial release

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